Chapter 4 - She's the Last One Ever

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"Y/n/n? Y/n/n? You need to get up!" Minho shouts down my ear, waking me from my slumber, shaking me slightly. 

"Okay okay, I'm up, but if I'm going to get changed then you need to leave, you shank," Minho leaves quickly, leaving me to change into my usual clothes and grabbing my 2 daggers. However, after what happened to Ben yesterday I'm taking extra precaution, so I head to the Homestead, enter the basement and grab a bow I had crafted myself and a quiver of arrows. I meet Minho and Alby outside.

"I'm coming in the maze today, going to retrace Ben's steps with Minho, so be careful on your own, or Newt and Thomas might have something to say about it," Alby says and I just simply nod, my bow at my side and quiver of 15 arrows slung over my shoulder.

"Let's get going then," I say walking towards the doors. Newt approaches us, reiterating Alby's previous words of caution before patting Alby and Minho on the back and kissing my forehead lightly. I break out into a light jog as I enter the maze, pacing myself as to not tire quickly.


It was getting close to sundown at the point where it started pouring down with rain, soaking me from head to toe. The position of the sun was hidden behind the almost black storm clouds, so I figured I should probably head back, better to be safe than sorry and all that. I still have no idea whether Alby or Minho have headed out or not yet and I contemplate looking for them. Well, that was until I heard a clicking noise, the sound of a Griever nearby, and if I'm completely honest, I didn't fancy dying today, so I decided not to take my chances and sprinted out. 

By the time I had made it back to the doors, the rain had stopped and I could see the sun getting close to passing the edge of the walls, meaning the cold wind would come soon to push any stragglers out before the maze was closed off for the night. Everyone was waiting at the end of the passageway for me, but when I got to them, I didn't Alby or Minho.

"Where are they?" Newt asks though he should already know that we would separate at some point in the maze.

"They went to retrace Ben's footsteps, find out how Ben was stung in broad daylight yesterday, they didn't want me to come in case they ran into any trouble," We hear the doors begin to close.

"Oh come on, can't we send someone in after them?"

"It's against the rules, either they make it back or they don't," Gally says, grimly.

"Can't risk losing anyone else," Newt clears up.

"Wait! There!" Thomas shouts, pointing to a figure walking slowly at the end of the corridor. It's Minho and he has an injured Alby on his back. I make a move to run in and help, but Newt grabs my wrist and pulls me back. Everyone's screaming and shouting, a mix of 'run Minho run' 'come on Minho, you can do it and even 'you've gotta leave him'. Minho screams, knowing he won't make it out of the maze in time, but still not willing to leave Alby behind. Suddenly, Thomas makes a dash, Newt failing to grab his wrist as well as mine, and he runs into the maze. But was he gonna make it to the other side of the walls in time to not be crushed. Just in time before they closed completely, he made it to Minho and Alby, but let's face it, he's still going to die in there.


It's been over an hour now and I'm still sat, staring at the closed doors of the maze. I don't know why. I don't expect any of them to get out of there alive. I guess it's just the disbelief, the denial, the fact that I don't want to believe that 3 of my friends are inside, just waiting to be killed by Grievers. Newt approaches me, Gally in tow.

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