Chapter 2 - Looks Like Piss, Tastes Like it Too

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"So, any reason why you've taken to the new Greenie?" Newt said, smirking suggestively.

"He was shitting himself and you were all just laughing at him, and stop smirking, it's not like that," Newt shook his head, still smiling to himself before seeing Alby walking around with the Greenie trailing closely behind. We proceeded to walk over, Newt with the slight limp in his left leg.

"Hey, you alright Alby?" He spoke up as we approached. 

"Green Bean, meet Newt and Y/n," he said, patting both me and Newt on the back in greeting. We both shook Thomas's hand in turn.

"When I'm not around, he's in charge,"

"Well it's a good thing you're always around then," Newt laughs slightly, as does Alby, "That was some dash earlier, y'know for a second, I thought you had the chops to be a runner,"

"Until you faceplanted," I chime in, finishing Newt's sentence for him. Thomas looks confused at the word 'runner' as Alby chuckles about him falling over.

"Wait, what's a runner?"

"Can you two do me a favour? Go and find Chuck?" Alby says, pushing me and Newt slightly in the direction of the main area of the Glade as he ushers Thomas in the opposite direction towards the same tower Alby took me to whilst trying to explain everything to me. 

"Right, I'll go check the showers and the toilet, you go check the Blood House and the kitchen," Newt instructs, heading in the direction of the showers.

"But Fry's cooking and its gonna smell like shit," I shout after him

"That's exactly why I'm not going there!" He shouts back over his shoulder, barely taking a second glance before limping off into the distance. I shake my head in disbelief, walking in the direction of the Blood House, wanting to make my visit there short and over with quickly. The Blood House is where the Slicers slaughter the animals so they can be prepared as food. Walking in, I'm hit with a pungent smell and though the blood is cleaned from the surfaces after each slaughter, I can still taste something metallic at the back of my throat. I spot Winston and Frankie stood in a nearby stall, sharpening one of the tools used to behead a cow, preparing to kill it in the most painless way possible.

"Can you at least wait until I've left to do that? And seriously, W.C.K.D need to send us some bleach or something, it absolutely reeks in here,"

"Try spending hours upon hours in here, anyway, who or what you lookin' for?" Winston asked.

"Chuck? He here or?"

"Nope, try the kitchen though, think I saw him there last," I nod, grimacing slightly at the thought of the smell I will be greeted with when I walk in there, it will no doubt be almost as bad as in here.

"Alright, thanks," I say before heading out to check out the kitchen.

"Hey Fry, is Chuck here?" Holding my breath a little, trying to be as discreet as I can, not wanting to offend Fry in any way. But, really, the food smells absolutely rancid and it might actually put me off my dinner at the celebration later tonight.

"Nope, but the food's almost ready, wanna have a quick taste?"

"Nah, I'm fine thanks, looks like it tastes amazing though!" I say, turning on my heel and getting out of the swelteringly hot room as quick as I can. I meet Newt by the council hall, seeing him pointing Chuck in the direction of the watch tower where Thomas and Alby still stood.

"He offered me some of the food, he, ugh," Newt laughed at me, finding my discomfort and dislike of Frypan's (that dude has such an unfortunate name) cooking abilities rather funny.

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