Chapter 1 - We've Got a Runner!

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Life is like a book, it has a beginning, a middle and an end, only problem was, I couldn't remember the beginning and I was just hoping the end would come sooner rather than later. It's what the maze does to you, you spend 2 years running round the place, trying to find someway to escape, only to find nothing. After my trials of each job, I'd been made a runner. I wasn't particularly close with many of the other Gladers, with the exception of Newt, Alby and then Minho - the keeper of the runners. Ever since our first meeting, Gally and I haven't exactly seen eye to eye, and by that, I mean I have to use all the self restraint in the world to not just punch him square in the face and break his nose. A night or two in the pit was not worth it. I don't know what it is about him, he just pisses me off. But in other news, it's the time of the month again where the new Greenie is due up any minute now.


The sound of The Box being pulled up from below rang out through the Glade, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and run towards where it would appear in a few seconds time. This had become the new normal for me, waking up in the morning, running into the maze, no purpose behind it anymore as we had discovered every single corner and corridor of that place and there was no way out. No-one other than me, the other runners and Alby knew about this. It was Alby's call, he wanted to keep everyone's spirits high, let them believe we had a chance of escaping. Though the weight fell on our shoulders, knowing that we went in there everyday just to find nothing. It was a tedious and endless cycle. When The Box reached the surface, I stood near the front to get first glance at the new Greenie, hoping it would be another girl as I had spent two years surrounded by hormonal teenage boys. However, as always I was disappointed to see yet another boy was joining us in the Glade. He shielded his eyes from the sun, just as I had on the day I had arrived and the look on his face said it all. He was terrified, seemingly more than the rest of us had been. The other Gladers looked down at him, before pulling up the doors, allowing Gally to jump in and the Greenie scrambled backwards into the corner of the cage.

"Day 1 Greenie, rise and shine," he said before pulling him by his shirt and putting him on the Glade floor. Everyone stood around laughing at his panic-stricken form as he jumped up and made a run for it. Everyone cheered except me, I just rolled my eyes at the immaturity of the boys behind me.

"We've got a runner!"

He kept running until his legs gave way and he tumbled to the ground and all the boys jeered at him, instead I rushed to help, holding my hand out to him, he looked at me questioningly, though taking it reluctantly. As he stood, his jaw dropped to the ground, finally noticing the high, ivy-covered walls surrounding the Glade.

"Y/n, get back over here!" Ben shouted from the crowd. Ben was a fellow runner, he went in with Minho and I each morning. Before leaving, I turned to the Greenie.

"Welcome to the Glade," I said, taking one last look at him before Gally and a few of the other builder walked over, grabbing the Greenie by his arms and marching him towards the Slammer to await Alby's tour.

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