Chapter 7 - Hey Stranger

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I woke at first light mine, and Thomas' hands still fixed together. I didn't want to move, I mean, I was pretty comfortable where I was. But I knew if Gally, or one of the other Gladers that was stuck up his arse, I'd be in for a night in the pit too. So, instead, I pulled my hand away from Thomas' tight grip and headed over to my hut to get ready for the day ahead of us.


I meet Minho back at the Slammer so that we can let Thomas out of the pit.

"Big day Greenie. Sure you don't wanna sit this one out?" He asks.

"Come on, man. Get me out of here," He replies with a breathy laugh.

"Alright," We untie the rope holding the door in place, and Thomas clambers out. We head over to the entrance of the maze, where we wait for the doors to open. When they do, Minho and I take the lead, Thomas following behind with a hopeful smile lighting up his face. We run for a minute or two until we reach the inner ring. But something is off. Section 7. It isn't meant to be open, and Minho voices my concerns only seconds later. 

"That's strange,"

"What?" Thomas questions.

"Seven's not supposed to be open for another week..."

"What the hell is this place?" He asks as we approach an open part of the maze covered densely in thin metal palisades.

"We call them blades," We walk for a while before breaking into a jog when we see some ripped up clothes on the floor. Ben... Suddenly we hear a whirring sound close by. Thomas shoves Minho so that his back is facing him and grabs the canister. In one direction the clicking gets quieter, but in the other, it gets louder. And that's when Thomas cracks it.

"I think it's showing us the way," For a couple of minutes, we follow the increasingly loud clicking of the canister through the blades. We eventually come to a corridor about the width of the one at the entrance. I've never been down here before, and by the look on Minho's face, neither has he. This corridor is quite different though, there are holes down the side of the pathway, which leads to a dead end. Well, at least that's what we thought. Upon approaching the end of the corridor, the light on the key switches from red to green. The wall behind us rumbles and slowly lifts. Behind that wall is another wall and then another. The third wall has a circular hole in it.

"Stay behind me," Thomas says wearily. Not being awake enough to argue, I listen to him, keeping a fair distance between the hole in the concrete wall and myself. After a couple of seconds, a red light scans the three of us and Thomas looks at me worriedly.

"Y/n/n, go. Now!" I turn on my heel and run to then of the corridor and wait for the two boys. The walls start rumbling again. My eyes go wide as I realise what's happening, The walls are closing them in. As they start running towards me, I start sprinting too, not wanting to be caught by the now moving blades. Somewhere behind me I hear shouting.

"Thomas! Run! We're gonna get trapped!" I get into a clear part where there are no blades particularly close to me and I wait for them to catch up. Minho makes it through them fine at first, but when Thomas is trapped he refuses to leave him behind and runs along with him letting him know when to cross over to the other side without being chopped in half.

"Thomas! Come on!" I scream.

"Just keep running Y/n/n! We'll be fine!" He shouts back, but what does he not get, I'm not leaving either of them behind. Again, as they reach me I set back off into a sprint. The ground beneath us begins to crack and lift up, allowing a large block of metal to fall, narrowly missing Thomas and Minho. Just ahead of them by a few moments, I jump onto a slab of concrete, sliding across it onto the other side, hoping they'll have seen and will do the same to avoid being crushed. But the wall is moving, and if they aren't quick enough they'll get squashed either way. They make it out just in time, rolling over the side, Thomas falling on top of me and shoving me to the ground.

"Hey stranger," I laugh, feeling embarrassed by the situation. He quickly jumps up and dusts himself off and we keep running. We don't stop until we get back to the Glade.

"What the hell is going on out there?" Newt queries

"What the hell did you do now Thomas!?" Gally shouts over him in an accusatory tone.

"We found something, a new passage. We think it could be a way out," Thomas explains.


"It's true, we opened a door and it was something neither I nor Minho had seen before. I think it must be where the Grievers go during the day," I add to Thomas' previous statement.

"Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, you're saying you found the Griever's home? And you want us to go in?" Chuck asks clearly not a fan of the idea.

"Their way in could be our way out, Chuck," Then Gally raises his voice at us again,

"Yeah, or there could be a dozen Grievers on the other side. The truth is, Thomas doesn't know what he's done, as usual," he spits out.

"Yeah! Well, at least I did something, Gally! I mean, what have you done? Huh? Aside from hiding behind these walls the whole time" Thomas shouts getting all up in his face.

"Let me tell you something, Greenie. You've been here three days, alright. I've been here three years,"

"Yeah! You've been here three years and you're still here! What does that tell you! Maybe you should start doing things differently" I try to push Thomas away from the situation by placing a hand on his chest. As the two boys continue to quarrel amongst themselves, Teresa raises her voice barely above a whisper. Alby's awake.

{{Word Count: 1018}}

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