Chapter 13 - There's Something Inside Of Us That WICKED Wants

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We all wait patiently for Thomas to return, but as the minutes go by, I begin to get increasingly worried about him and Aris. The only thing keeping me calm is Newt and Minho pacing up and down the room with me. Suddenly, the vent flies open and out comes Thomas. He's breathing heavily and I can tell straight away that there's something wrong.

"We gotta go. We gotta go. We gotta go, right now!" He says whilst frantically rushing around to barricade the door.

"What the hell do you mean 'We've gotta go'!?" Newt shouts over the top of his panicked voice. 

"They're coming. Come on. We gotta go. They're coming for us," Thomas can't say anything but that in his hysteria. Everyone is very confused, so they turn to an apprehensive-looking Aris to ask him about what they saw as Thomas is too frightened to speak standard English.

"She's still alive," Thomas blurts out, which only causes more confusion, "Ava!"

"Ava? Will you just turn around and talk to us!?" Newt shouts again as Thomas concentrates on fastening a knot around the door handle and a pipe next to it.

"It's WICKED!" He hollers. Everyone's faces drop and our eyes widen.

"It's still WICKED. It's always been WICKED," He gasps out, the fear giving him an inability to breathe properly as he gasps for air. He grabs a mattress from one of the bunks and pushes that up against the door to strengthen the barricade.

"Thomas? What did you see?" Newt asks, now a bit calmer.

"You think we really have time for an explanation?" I solicited, motioning for Minho, Fry, Winston and Aris to get into the vents. They do as I instruct and Thomas, Newt and I follow behind. Once out of the vents and into an open corridor, Winston, Aris and I split off, heading back into the vents.

"Where are we going?" I inquire.

"Well, from what I've heard you're not too bad with a bow," Aris replies quietly.

"Yeah, but they took it from me after we got off the helicopter,"

"Which is why we're breaking into their armoury to get it back for you," 

"Okay," We crawl through the vents for a minute or so longer before climbing back out. Aris takes the keycard to the door, sliding it through the card reader, and running in, Winston and I following behind closely. I spot my bow hung up on a hook and locate a large quiver of arrows filled with 3 different coloured tips. On a board behind them, a message was written:

"Black tips = Normal arrow

Orange tips = Fire arrow

Red tips = Explosive arrow" I pull the bow from its hook and sling the arrows over my back, keeping in mind which arrow means what. We retreat out of the room, and we run to the exit cautiously. 


We can hear shouting as we approach. They're stuck behind that door, cornered by Janson and armed guards. Aris quickly slides the card through the card reader again and we hear a beep as it opens. Thomas is holding a gun up at Janson and the guards, further away from the door than Teresa and the boys. Newt shouts for him to follow us, but there's a good chance he'll be shot at if he takes one step towards the door. I aim with my bow, making sure to only use a normal arrow and shoot one of the unsuspecting guards in the middle of his chest, who falls to the ground

"Nice shot!" Aris shouts as Thomas starts to fire his gun at Janson and his men, following my example. He backs slowly towards the door until he runs out of ammo. With no ammo left, and no use for the gun, he just throws it on the floor and makes a run for it. Janson is instructing for the door to be closed through his radio. The door starts closing and it doesn't look like Thomas is going to make it through in time. But just before it closes fully he slides under, just like you see in all those big action films. Aris takes a hammer to the card reader, stopping Janson from being able to use his card to get through to us, whilst Thomas takes a pistol from one of the guards I took out as we arrived. He turns back to Janson, simply just to put the middle finger up at him before turning on his heel and sprinting out of the compound with us. We run out into the desert, but unluckily for us, there's been an ongoing sandstorm for the past few hours. We reach the top of a nearby dune for us to duck behind as they send out patrols after us. There are people on quadbikes and people on foot, all just to look for eight teenagers. That's how desperate they are. We duck out of sight and out of the way of the light of any torches that could give away our position. We all shuffle backwards, heading further into the desert and further into the storm. There's a dip in the dunes and we can see a building buried underneath all the sand. Teresa desperately tries to find a way in, putting a hand to all the windows until she can feel some sort of opening. She finds a smashed window, which we all crawl through some much more reluctantly than Teresa and I, we just need somewhere to shield us from the storm. At least for tonight. Minho puts his bag onto the floor and digs out a flashlight, turning it on, and panning the room with it. It's a completely derelict and collapsed building, but it also seems to have been occupied. Whether the occupants are still here on not is a different matter. Thomas tries to keep us moving, but Teresa shouts, still very confused about what is going on.

"Tell me what's going on!" She demands.

"It's WICKED. It's WICKED. They lied to us. We never escaped. Me and Aris, we found bodies. Too many to count," 

"What do you mean? Dead bodies?" Minho asks, probably quite scared to even know the answer to his own question.

"No... But they weren't alive either," I furrow my brows, slightly confused, but just shake it off, things are only gonna get more confusing from here on out.

"They had the strung up, with tubes coming out of them. They were being, they were being drained. There's something inside of us that WICKED wants. Something in our blood. So we have to get as far away from them as possible,"


This was such a sucky chapter, I'm so sorry

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