The End

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Kat's POV

I slowly opened my puffy eyes and then I realised that I was no longer in Rachel's front garden.My vision was pitch black due to the fact that a piece of cloth was wrapped around my face.The rope was stabbing my wrists.

What was happening?Where was I?
I immediately tried to stand up from the chair but the thick rope was keeping me in place.Why was I tied up!

I decided to try to scream as loud as I possibly could but I knew that it would be in vain.

Was all that came out of my sealed lips.I was starting to grow even more apprehensive.

This must have had something to do with Nathen and Rachel!I had to remember,no I needed to remember,I knew my life depended on it.
My eyes shut closed and then I started to concentrate on the previous events of what had happened to me.


A few hours earlier...

I was lying on a slick white sofa.My eyes were shut but my ears were listening sharply,picking up every detail.The unexpected pain was still invested inside my abdomen and was growing stronger and the pain was multiplying but I didn't make a sound.I was passed out from the shock of all of this.
What was Nathen and Rachel discussing about?
I could sense that Rachel and Nathen were right in front of my knocked out body.

"What is wrong with her!"
Nathen's familiar apprehensive voice yelled in disbelief.He seemed unexpectedly worried and scared.I also sensed some pity too.
He is the one that brought me here and now he is giving me pity!

"For the last time!She is suffering from appendicitis."
Rachel's unmistakable cunning voice yelled in frustration as if she had been repeating the sentence multiple times.
My appendix could blow up in a minute and they haven't put me in a hospital yet!

"Then we need to take her to a hospital!What if her appendix bursts!"
Nathen shrieked in fear.
What were they waiting for!
Why was Nathen so afraid of me getting hurt?Their voices were muffled so it was difficult for me to hear their argument.

All of a sudden an unwanted sharp pain revealed itself inside my lower abdomen and I couldn't withdraw my loud shrieks and moaning.

I screamed.My eyes shot open but my body was paralyzed.My eyes fell into Nathen's blearing eyes and suddenly I felt different it was as if I was kind of glad that he was here,I felt as if I could trust him but I knew deep inside my emotions,deep inside my pain and deep down beneath my fear I knew that in reality I could not trust him,not matter how badly I wanted to.

All of a sudden I heard an ear- defining sound and all too soon I was unconscious again.A bullet had been shot into my stomach by Rachel.

Even though I was unconscious I couldn't stop the unexpected tears running down my flushed cheeks.

Maddy's POV

"Hurry up!"
Zoe yelled from the car.
I quickly paced towards the car and flung the door open and immediately hopped inside.

"Sorry,I was just doing something."
I whispered apologetically.She nodded her head and focused her eyes on the road straight ahead.
Her fingers gripped the leather wheel and before we knew it,we were already driving towards the devil herself.

"Let's go take this sister of yours down!"
Zoe exclaimed slyly.Her eyes were still fixed on the road but you could still sense them light up in glee.

"She is not my sister,you are."
I whispered quietly,still getting used to the fact that Rachel wasn't my sister.Dad had told me that Lisa had just slept with some random guy at some club.
Zoe's smile deepened and I mirrored her actions.

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