The disappearance

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Kat's POV

I'm getting really worried about Maddy. She hasn't been herself lately,and I dont know why.

"Maddy!"I needed to know if she was ok. But there was no reply.

"Maddy!"I climbed up the stairs hoping she would be upstairs. I first walked in the bathroom,no one was there.

Then the bedrooms,the store room and every room in the house. I couldn't find Maddy anywhere if she didn't show up she would miss her new interview I was going to suprise her with. Where was she?

Maddy's POV

It was twelve in the evening and I still wasn't getting sleep but I kept it a secret,it was no one else's business.

I tiredly walked over to the balcony to get some fresh air. The breeze flowing through my hair and the hairs on my skin shot up and it felt good.

I kept thinking about Nathen,he was my first boyfriend,my first crush,my first love.

We went on a few dates and then we moved in together,it was the start of my Hell on Earth.

Nathen would always go partying and get drunk a lot,he would always get angry I didn't know why,I never did but he always took out his anger on me. How and why would the man I thought I loved had done those terrible things and to me.

One time he had blowed out our money on gambling and when he finally came home anger was filled in his dark eyes.He did horrible things to me.And I eventually had to get surgery. The surgeons said if he had hit me again then I wouldn't have made it. Hearing that had made me burst into tears.He was then jailed for 10 years for attempted murder and domestic violence.

Ding dong.

It was the door. I slowly walked down the long stairs and ran down the hall in my bare feet. I opened the door slightly and stared at the familiar face.

Tears dropped down my cheek I slammed the door and locked it. I ran down the hall I was crying now. I ran out the back door into the dark street I didn't look back I just ran. It cant be. But it was,the familiar face was Nathen.I couldn't believe it. I hadn't seen him for at least a year and I knew his jail sentence wasn't over yet he looked like we only met yet yesterday.

Why would he come at 12:00,why would he even come?

My feet were aching now so I limped to the nearest bench I could find l.I suprisingly ran a long distance that I couldn't see the house that much.I was shivering it was 12:30 and I was too afriad to go back,I was only in my hoodie onesie.I massaged my feet and picked out the tiny rocks and pebbles in them,I put my legs up on the bench and slowly driffted to sleep.

So this is my 6th chapter hope you guys like it I put a picture of Nathen as they say dont jugde a book by its cover.
Sorry if this is a short you guys know about Nathen so what will happen next;-)
Mitch Hewer as Nathen.

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