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The blinding sun shone in my tired eyes. The warm sun shone against my dried skin. Then I snapped back into reality and I suddenly realised my surroundings.

I was outside,luckily it was early and no one was outside to witness me sleeping on a bench in my t-shirt and shorts. My feet were bleeding,but I managed to get off of the bench and limped towards the house. Thankfully Nathen was no longer at the front door so I quickly limped to the door.

Ding dong.

I ringed the door several times,thinking she was asleep.

"I'm coming!"shouted Kat. She opened the door,her mouth suddenly dropped and shaped as an O.

This was bad.

"Maddy,where were you?!"shouted Kat in suprise. She was in a fluffy light pink robe and she was wearing matching bunny slippers.

"I'll tell you everything,can I come in."I replied,I had to tell her now. I was never good with secrets.

That's why no one trusted me with them.

We sat down in the cream coloured sofa and we had some coffee,Kat always makes two even if I'm not here. I slowly sipped my drink and as the warm liquid went down my throat,I couldn't help but slightly moan as the drink was really good.

"So you wanted to know what happened?"I asked rephrasing it as a question. The memories of last night flooded my mind. His face inches away from mine. The cold breath escaping his lips and making me wince and his sinister eyes staring into mine.

"Maddy you really scared me,I thought you were kidnapped or you had runaway,again!"Kat replied her anger was rising up,I could see it in her now red face. How could she think I had runaway?Didn't she know that I honestly appreciated her hospitality?

"Nathen came."I blurted out my eyes were watering,tears were dropping down my shriveled up cheeks. The words left a bitter taste in my tongue and now that I had actually uttered the words meaned that it was all true.

"What!He couldn't,he's in jail!"Kat replied in disbelief,but the shock was still in her voice. That is what I had been thinking too. Nathen was locked up and his sentence was nowhere near over. How was it possible for him to escape?How could he have came here without anyone noticing?

Ignoring her reply,I spoke again.

"I was getting fresh air and then..."I paused and took a deep breath"-and then someone was at door,I opened it and there he stood in the door frame,I recognised him straight away."

There was a long awkward silence,Kat gulped her coffee down and put bought of our empty cups into the bin. She then walked back towards the sofa and sat down. Her eyes were filled with worry and her lips were slightly smiling.

"So is this why you've been acting like this,because of Nathen."Kat asked breaking the silence immediately.

I didn't reply,I just nodded my head,She understood and she nodded back. Right now,I felt like a complete and utter idiot to think that there was really a life without Nathen,like it was a possibility for me to move on and finally have a happy life. That hope was finally in my grasp and my life would be right again. But as always,that hope shatters into pieces.

We watched some tv for about an hour and then we went up to our rooms,I kept thinking about Nathen. Why did he come. A tear dropped from my eye and then I fell into a light sleep.
But I didn't sleep,I spent the last hours of the night tossing about,dreaming of Nathen.

I'm sorry i have been uploading boring chapters,i've been having some writers block.i hope to write more longer and intresting chapters;-)

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