The search

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Please read readers note before reading this chapter.


I quickly got up out of my bed and paced to the shower and scrubbed my natural blonde hair.I glanced at the silver clock 11:00am.I still had a few hours to go.I walked into my walk in cuboard and picked out a white t-shirt with 'the boss'on it I also wore some jeggings(leggings that look like jeans)and some white converse.I glanced at the corner of my lilac room and spotted my guitar,my dad had given it to me when I was 6 and I had been playing guitar ever since.I gently lifted the guitar up and played a song that my dad had written before he disappeared.

"Where are you dad?"I quietly whispered to myself before reaching under my bed and delicately picking up the letter,clutching it to my chest as if it was dad himself.I read it again and again until I noticed some smaller words on the bottom of the sheet,I squinted my eyes and could just make out what it was saying;
yddaM'teem em ta notpmarB 21notsduH teerts.

I scanned it over and over.Was it some sort of code?I had to investigate this.I suddenly had an idea and held the letter in front of the mirror.A reflection apeared in the surface of the mirror and I knew what it said;
Maddy,meet me at Brampton 12Hudston street.

I got out my phone and dialed the academy's number.It ringed for a while and then Mrs.Gilmore finally picked up.

"Hello?"her husky voice answered.I breathed in and out for a while and then put on a sick voice and replied.

"It's me cough Maddy"I replied pretending to snezze and cough.

"Are you ok?"Mrs.Gilmore asked I knew she was worried,I didn't want to keep this act up but this was my dad I was talking about.

"I cant go to work today."
I usually never lie but this was an exception.I looked at the clock it was 11:09am I sighed and then hung up.

"Twelve months of drama classes finally payed off."
I said to myself while placing my guitar back in the corner and standing up from my bed and walking out of the room.

I ran down the stairs,they seemed endless I just wanted to find dad and I wanted to find him know.

"Where are you off to?"

Kat asked looking at me in suspicion.I looked back and we were now face to face.I wasn't intending on Kat to know what had happened and where I was going but I didn't want to continue on lying so I decided to tell her the truth.I sighed and then opened my lips and began to speak.

"Ehh...can I use your car,you'd be better of not knowing?"
I replied ignoring her quetion.She scratched her long dark hair and then got her keys out of her bag and threw them into my gulfed palms.I smiled at her and then walk out the door closing it behind me.

I hopped into the car and turned on the navigation system on my phone.I had never been to Brampton before so I needed to be prepared.I quickly searched up Brampton,Hudston street,44minutes.I sighed in relief and twisted the key into the car.


I finally made it to Brampton.I was inside Kat's car for a while I had tried park in what I thought to be a public carpark.I looked in all directions,trying to find a space to park the car.

"Who knew Bramptom could be so busy!"
I said under my breath before finally finding a narrow space.I attempted to squeeze into the space and suprisingly succeded.I hopped out of the car and stared at it just in case I had done something wrong.Thankfully I hadn't and sighed in relief and turned around to face out to the city.

"Where are you dad?"I whispered before stroking my cheek and giving out a deep sigh.

So guys I'm sorry for taking a long time because I had to research for this story and go to school for 6 hours and my teacher had this great idea to give us more homework to prepare us for secondary school.Not that i'm complaining because I'm really lucky to be getting education well I'll stop there and not make this a huge speech.Also sorry if this is short but personally I think this is the longest I've done.

P.S I know the picture isn't Ellie Goulding but I think she kind of looks like her.


Maddy's TalentDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora