The past

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Kat's POV

It was a boring dull Sunday morning.I woke up and then straight away walked down the cold stairs barefoot and gave the sitting room a good cleaning up.I then wore a pair of grey oversized sweatpants and a ombre miami t-shirt.I made myself a quick breakfast consisting of plate of three slices of toast and gulped down a glass of milk.

I sat up from the wooden stool and walked over to the sitting room to watch some T.V.

As I was setting up the T.V I was interupted by a loud banging on the door.

"Open up Maddy!"
A ruffled voice yelled.I was puzzeled.Who was this person?I thought for a moment about opening the door.All the times when I used to be in school when my teacher would say.

"If you are at home by yourself do not open the door!"
She would always exclaim sternly and narrow her eyes at us.
Sometimes I thought she was specifically talking to me.

Well I guess she knew me well.

I slowly marched into the hallway and looked through the glass on the door.It wasn't clear but I could see a female figure.She looked familiar but I couldn't quite make out who it was.I opened the door and walked into the clear porch.

"Rachel?What are you doing here?"I asked putting on a confused look.Why was Maddy's awful sister yelling for her like this?
What was she even doing here at all?

"Open up...I know Maddy's in here!"She yelled furrowing her thick eyebrow's and slamming on the surface of the porch.I could easily beat her up but I decided not to.After all that is how I got expelled.

It was when I was in twelfth grade that everything got bad.That I got bad.

I had just started twelfth grade when my parents were killed in a car accident.I was so angry but sad at the same time.I didn't tell anyone.I went to school as usual and by myself since I was an only child.I was different.I wasn't the same as I used to be before my parents died.I wasn't at school much and that's when I started to face truancey but that wasn't why I was expelled.

I was in Math in my usual place and in my usual time.But then my teacher asked us to give our parents some forms.But the girl sitting opposite to me spoke out 3 words that are still echoing in my head.

"Where's your parents?"She asked.I couldn't control my anger.I leaped out of the chair and began to punch and box her face.The teacher imediatly broke us up.But I pushed her away and walked out of the classroom.The next day I was...well expelled.

I snapped out of my thoughts and realised I was inside a porch.

"Open up!"Rachel yelled and then I just told her two simple words.

"Maddy's out."I said whilst smirkimg and walked back into the house.I had had caught a glimpse of her walking away madly and then whispered to myself.

"That girl's trouble!"Before walking back to the sitting room and turning on the T.V.

Maddy's POV

I made it to my plain room and fell onto the white sheets on the bed.Pillows surrounded me as I slowly driffted off into a short nap.

30minutes later....

I slowly opened my eyelids and imediately glanced at the wall in front of me.A mirror was hanging from a single nail but I could see my disturbing reflection on the surface.

My thick blonde hair frizzed up and was dangling from my face.

"Ugh I'm such a mess."I whispered to my reflection whilst standing up from the bed.I changed into the clothes that the hotel had given all the guests.I was a bit reluctant to wear it but I had only brought 2 outfits with me so I decided to put it on.The clothes was just a jumper with the hotel's logo and a pair of black bottoms.

"Atleast they're comfortable."I said to myself whilst brushing my messed up hair and topping it with a black snapback.

I went on my phone and played some candycrush for a while and then glanced at the black coffee table.Sitting on it was a small parcel that contained a pregnacy test.

I stood up from the bed and walked over to the coffee table and paused for a moment.I felt my stomach and then gently picked up the small parcel and walked over to the bathroom.I breathed in two large breaths and then walked into the room.

When I was done I shot my eyes closed not yet wanting to see the results I repeatedly began to take breaths in and out and then I eagerly shot open my eyes.

I grinned in relief.I was so happy but even more relieved.I wasn't pregnant I cleaned myself up and then headed back into the bedroom and glanced at the clock.I realised it was late so I headed to sleep.


Kat's POV

It was about 10:00 and I decided to go on my social media for a while.I hopped down the stairs and walked over to the living room to get my i pad.As I was reaching up the cuboard to get my i pad someone began to loudly knock on the door.

"God who could be knocking in this hour?"I hissed before walking over to the door and peeping out the glass trying to get a glimpse of who it was.

I couldn't quite see who it was.I opened the door and stepped into the cold porch.A familiar man was standing there shivering in the moonlight.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.The main purpose for this chapter is for you guys to get to know Kat a bit more.This story is slowly and I mean SLOWLY coming to an end.I will still be leaving in some cliff hangers so watch out for them!
Just to say I'm writing a new story and it will be coming soon.


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