The slap

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Kat's POV

I examined him carefully.He was constantly moving his palms on his freezing elbows and began to breath in and out.

His numb fingers purple,his face drained and his cheeks were flushed.

His gold strands of hairs were dangling down his forhead and his purple lips opened and closed.

"W-what are you doing here?"I questioned him in a whisper.

"Is Maddy here?"He asked ignoring my question.Trying to look over my shoulders in hopes that he would find Maddy.

"Why,so you can beat her up again?"I asked anger filled up in me.I balled my fists in anger.I wanted to tear him into peices for what he had done to Maddy.I thought for a moment.

Why wasn't he in jail?His sentence wasn't over so how could he be here?

As if reading my thoughts he started to speak.

"I'll tell you the reason why I'm not in jail."He whispered and I nodded my head in agreement.I walked into the house and reluctantly motioned Nathen to come into the house.

I locked the front door and paced into the sitting room making sure that Nathen was closely behind me.

When we reached the sitting room Nathen stoped rubbing his arms and let out a sigh.Clearly it was because of the fire in the cream fireplace that was keeping him warm.I stared sharply into his blue eyes.

Why had I even let him in?I thought to myself.An akward tention filled the room.I finally decided to speak just so this situation couldn't get any more awkward then it already was.

"What are you doing here?!"I whispered angrilly.I eyed him and he then sighed.

"Let me start from the begining."


Maddy's POV

I shot my eyes open and let out a long yawn.I lazily sat up and stumbled towards the light switch.

As I switched it on my eyes stung as the light shone in them.I rubbed them violently and walkled out of the room to make myself a quick sandwich.My hair was put into a messy bun and I was wearing another one of the suvineer outfits from the curtisy of the hotel.

I quickly made the sandwich and all of a sudden there was a loud banging on the door.

I sighed at the fact that someone was going to ruin my morning by coming here at 10:00 in the morning.

I walked over to the door and unlocked it.Standing there right in the doorstep was Zoe.

I looked at her familiar face in confusion.Mainly it was because she was putting on a worried glare.

"Tell me your not."She whispered focusing her cold eyes into mine.

I grew even more confused.What was she talking about?I was very puzzled.But I only spoke out one word.

"What?"I replied.Her eyes narrowed past me and on the plastic bag.

I swiftly turned aroung and also gazed at the parcel.I let out a sigh and then began to put the pieces together and realised what she was talking about.

I shook my head violently,anwering her first question.But I was still puzzled.How did she know?

I allowed her to walk into the room and she sat on the plain chair on the left.I sat on the identical chair opposite to her.There was a five minute silence but then Zoe began to talk.She rose from the seat and cleared her throat and began to speak.

"What happened?"Zoe asked curiously.I let out a sigh but shook my head.I was not about to tell every single person that asked,sister or not.

I wrapped my robe around me even tighter.I was tempted to tell her the three words that I was constantly reminding myself.Since I had now forgotten the whole event but the words'Andy raped you' Were stuck in the back of my head.I wouldn't tell her now,I wasn't sure about telling her at this moment.

"I just can't."I replied and looked away from her.Staring at the pillow that was left on the ground.Tears dropped down my cheek and landed on the floor.I couldn't tell her,and anyways it was all just a distant memory to me.

She walked around the room and then grabbed the parcel and got out the pregnancy test.

She sat the parcel down on the coffee table and then stood in front of me.

"Who did it?"She asked sternly.How did she know?I had a strong urge not to tell her but that would have been stupid.

I took in two deep breaths and then opened my mouth.

"Andy.Andy raped me."I replied silently crying as Zoe's face crumbled in anger.She balled her fists and walked out of the room.Slaming the door behind her.I sat up and paced to the door.Opening it I ran down the stairs and looked all around me.People were talking.Some were laughing and some of them were on their phones.I looked left right and centre but I couldn't see Zoe.

But then I had an idea of where she might have been to.I quickly walked up the stairs and headed into Andy's room.I took in two deep breaths and walked into the room.In my view I could see Andy sitting there on his computer his back facing me.What a geek!I thought as I found out that he was playing a video game.And to think he runs this hotel.I sniggered at my thoughts but all of a sudden he turned around and his blue eyes staring into mine.He put on a sly wide grin.

"Couldn't get enough of me,could you?"He said standing up and pacing towards me.I attempted to run away but his strong grip on my wrist.Simillar to the one he used to abuse me.

"Get off of me you rapist!"I screamed and tried to get out of his tight grip.

But it was seeming imposible.

"We need to talk!"He replied and looked at me sternly.I was scared.I tried not to show it but it was quite obvious,that gave him an advantage.

I thought about doing what I was going to do but I didn't care.I used my other hand and swung it across Andy's face.He let go of my wrist and fell onto the ground in pain.I put on a small grin.

He stumbled up and then laughed.My face crumbled at his reaction so I decided to do something even worse.I slapped him at the same area and kicked him between his legs.He cried out in pain but I simply laughed.

"I'm stronger then you!"I yelled confidently before turning around and looking up in shock.


Kat's POV

Nathen told me everything. He told me he was out on bail and probation.Rachel was the one that bailed him out.They were still dating till this day.I found this all confusing but I still listened on.

"You can't tell Maddy about this!"Nathen yelled and put on an innocent look. I didn't trust him but I did not want to tell her.

"Where are you staying?"I asked curiously.

"With Rachel."He replied.I nodded my head. All of a sudden he walked over to me and kissed me.I froze,what had I gotten myself into?

I'm sorry for the bad ending and also for this chapter being too late it was because I tried to make a chapter multiple times but I decided to use this one because I thought it was the best.Since this chapter is very long I decided that I not going to do another one.


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