there are some good things.

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     This is not going to be a simple-minded bleach-blonde list of "positive things that make me so happy :)", but instead some hopefully semi- original sounding opinions of a wannabe-something teenager, from the depths of a moms basement. (Thank you mom, for letting me borrow the bottom of your house; I'll pay you back when my thoughts are good enough to buy. For now, I'm still broke.)

     I just wanted to point out some things that are very fantastic within this game we call life.(Wow, very stoner edgy, I know.) I have been sort of doom and gloom lately, and that doesn't make much logical sense, so I will be stopping until I decide liking things is overrated again.

     Number 1: People are HOT. For real. I used to get jealous until I realized it's not my problem that I'm ugly. I don't ever have to look at me if I don't want to. I just have to look out of me. Me being ugly, that's y'all's problem. Anyways, even ugly people have good things on them, or maybe their just wonderful in unconventionality. You can look at anyone's face, and most of them even like it when you do that! You can think any thought you want about them, and no one else in this world has to know. It's great. If you're lucky, you can even touch a hand or a shoulder. That's a whole 'nother thing.

    Number 2: Raw cookie dough out of the tub and the thrill of possible salmonella. Makes ya feel absolutely ALIVE, MOTHERFUCKER!

    Number 3: You can tell jokes and some people will laugh at them and feel good because of something you said. All you have to do is talk, and people will like you. If telling jokes isn't your thing, there are a million people in this world trying to make you smile, and whether it's for a profit or not, it will work if you let it. You can hear someone say something, and then, bam! Dopamine. Like magic, the corners of your mouth go up and your chompers are exposed.

Number 4: Showers and terrible rap music. (I know that's 2 reasons, but it's my blog, I can do a combo pack if I want to, shut up.)

     Number 5: You can do whatever you want. Every rule is made up by someone who's not even better than you, so what the fuck gives them the right to tell you how to live your life? As long as you don't hurt anyone, you can morally do anything. Climb a mountain or be rich or yell or jump on some food, you can do it all. No ones stopping you, and if they are, it's all in your head. Made up rules, made up regulations. None of it's real, the only thing we know is that no one knows anything at all.

What a wonderful world we live in.

Don't think too much.


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