high school bitches

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Online school has been recently ongoing, so I have had some time to overthink every interaction I've had with anyone ever. Spending a lot of time by ones self can be awful but it's also a great way to see things for how they really actually are. For example, I was just thinking about how petty gossip is and how if I see a pretty girl I either get mad or sad and how stupid that is because I have arms and legs and I don't live in North Korea.

Basically what I'm trying to get at is when you've been alone for quite some time and have been thinking about these things, it becomes almost funny when you see it actually happen. I go to Goodwill and 2 bleach blonde eighth graders are looking at me, pointing and giggling. This is probably because a) I dress like a homeless man who just donated all his good clothes to the homeless shelter or b) because I was walking around with my little sister and maybe they thought I was her mom or something, that happens a lot to. That, however, is not the point and doesn't matter. The point is that when you enter a Goodwill, you have taken an unofficial vow to give up judging other people. Everyone knows this. You don't stare at people no matter what, because the beauty of a small-town-actual-dumpster of a thrift store is that everyone in there is on a level playing field. I don't give a fuck if you came here hoping to miraculously discover brand new scrunchies and Thrasher sweatshirts among the piss stained jeans, Everleigh and Taylor or whatever the fuck your snobby ass parents named you, the rules still apply. I was so shocked that they even dared to just be so blatantly rude like that, because at that point I had not been in school for so long that I had almost grown used to basic mutual human respect. I just stared back, and they started laughing, and I'll admit, I didn't confront them. I should have, and now I really want to, but it's far too late and I have taken far too much Melatonin for that shit.

Now that I'm in school I hear it daily, people calling skinny girls fat, people calling fat people ugly, and people calling virgins with big asses whores. It's still shocking in a way, like it's hard to believe that even after we have all been in a government ordered time out for 6 months, everyone is still an asshole. I guess not even a pandemic can change the ways of highschool girls, with their push up bras and "miracle wishes" perfume. I guess we will just have to wait until their tits become saggy enough that they realize there are other things in life that need upholding.

I give it 5 years, maybe 4 if they do as many jumping jacks as I do ;)

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