thot #3

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Growing up is disgusting, as you well know, but, sometimes you learn things. I learned something. Found one of the keys to genuine smiling.

Of course, we all already knew this, but never took it in, never absorbed or realized the honesty of it.

Sometimes we are better off alone.

Let me explain myself, as I always do: this sounds cold, and as per usual, that's not my intention. I used to hear this cliche over and over in every shitty overplayed pop song, and so, as you could guess, it flew right over my big head. Well, it didn't really fly as much as I chucked it over, thinking to my middle-school self, "That's not true. Who the hell would want to spend their life alone?"

What I have realized is this: its not about cutting the good, bright souled, empathetic individuals out of your life for some more time to spend making money or otherwise; that's callous and counterproductive to happiness. You have to realize and come to terms with the fact that you are better off sitting alone in your room, drenched in silence and FOMO, than with some pretty-faced, smooth talking boy pretending he wants more than one thing.

We know now. We are grown enough to know now.

If you're like me and you hate being alone, even a shitty situation might seem like a better option than no situation at all. Trust me when I say I completely understand that.


Sitting alone builds adversity and holds opportunity, if nothing else.

Sitting with assholes builds low self esteem, guilt, and regret, which later lead to worse, more intense lonely nights.

Since I have to write a witty conclusion by the code of blogs, I will leave you with this:

I need you to learn that you are better off by yourself than with a six foot two muscley man with a nice fade who has you labeled as thot #3 on his phone. I promise you.

Go call your mom or something. She wants to tell you about the sale going on at H&M.

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