dear the man watching me from my egress window

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Thank you for showing so much interest in me:)

I'm just kidding, there is no one in my window (I think), but sometimes I look through the glass in my wall and I look it dead in the eyes and I mouth the words "I can see you, and I'm calling 911". I then point to my phone screen and pretend to be on the phone with an overly concerned police officer for a couple minutes. This is a one of my favorite security tactics, and I would rather do that then spend money on blinds.

If there were a man watching me outside my window all these years (just for wholesomeness we are going to assume that the man was watching me purely out of pure innocent loneliness), he has seen some SHIT. All the people I have brought into my room and kicked out, all the disco parties alone or otherwise, all the times I yell at myself. Just to clarify, when I yell at myself, it's funny. It's like "fuck you you fat bitch" and then I laugh as I wipe the brownie crumbs off of my shirt.

Thank you kind sir, for your loyalty to me.

You've probably been around longer than I've allowed anyone else to be.

Good for you :)

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