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"Home sweet home", Fola inhaled the air as the plastic rim of her wheel chair moved swiftly pass the door post.

She was happy to be home after 5 weeks of her stay in the hospital.

Her father drove them home in Femi's car and he dropped Mrs. Balogun and her son at their home in Malali before going over to theirs.

Fola dozed all the way home and there was complete silence as Mrs. Obed glared at her husband when he wanted to start a conversation with her.

Immediately they got home, Mrs. Obed went into Fola's room and brought out her mattress to lay it in the sitting room.

She laid it down beside the television and helped Fola up from the wheelchair to the bed.

"I know you are exhausted and sleepy but you need to eat something first and take your drugs before you sleep. It's noon already and you only took tea as breakfast", she told her daughter.

"Alright mum. Be fast about it", she said with a tone of authority.

"Yes ma", her mother replied chuckling as she ignored her husband and went into the kitchen to prepare something for her daughter.

Fola was laying down with her back to the floor while her father was sitted silently on the couch beside her.

"Fola don't sleep o", he told her smiling.

Fola opened her eyes and answered, "You want to support your wife abi? Alright I won't."

"Fola, I'm sorry for all I did to you. I feel I am responsible for all that happened and your mother feels the same", her father apologised changing the topic.

"Come on dad, I believe it is God's doing. It's okay."

"I'm truly sorry. I was blinded by the desire to see you succeed. I wanted to give you the best. I never knew my friend was a sheep in human clothing."

"I was told he was responsible for the kidnap."

"Yes", he responded.

"It's okay dad. Despite all that happened, I still love and respect you. I understand that you did all of that for me."

"Am I forgiven?", he asked again with doubt.

"Of course", Fola answered with a sheepish smile.

"What about your mother? Will you help me talk to her? She doesn't believe that I love her", he stated.

"Do you?", Fola inquired with a sly smile.

"Of course I do love her. She is the queen of my heart", he answered unconsciously.

Fola shrieked in laughter at his statement.

"Fola why are you laughing?", he asked feeling embarrassed.

She kept a straight face and stared at him. "Me? I did not laugh o."

"You were laughing Fola, don't deny it."

At that, Fola couldn't hold it in any longer and she bursted into another round of laughter. Her father laughed too.

"Dad", she called when she laughed to her fill.

"Mum loves you......"

"I love her too", he interrupted with a frown on his face.

"....And she knows you love her too", Fola smirked.

"No she doesn't."

"She does. There was a day I told her you don't love her and she took your side. She said you do but you just don't know how to express it."

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