That Moment

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Thomas would have broke out into a smile if he was listening to the words that had escaped Alastair's mouth, all Thomas could focus on was how close they were. About how he could feel Alastair's breathing on him, how he could feel his arms around him, how if he leaned down they would be kissing.
Alastair froze as he didn't get a response from Thomas, surely the noble Lightwood would have some response or threat to his words. Alastair's eyes widened as he saw Thomas's eyes flicker from his lips to his eyes, but he made no movement to escape the clutches of the taller boy. Thomas blushed as he realised that Alastair had caught him watching, taking a deep breath Thomas pulled Alastair close and without stopping to think about it he leaned down kissing him. His arms wrapped around Alastair as he couldn't bare to have the tiniest of space between them. The two boys felt as though their hearts would explode with happiness and love. They kissed gently and soft as though they didn't want to be rushed, although their kiss only last for three-quarters of a minute before Thomas realised what he was doing and what had happened. Thomas stopped his eyes widening as he dropped his arms from Alastair, putting his hands in his hair nearly pulling his hair out. "No... No.. No.. I can't." he said in a quiet whisper to himself. Before saying a little louder. "Matthew, James, Christopher... What have I done?!" He named each one of his friends off, each one Alastair had bullied at some point in his life and he had just kissed him. Terrified that his friends would hate him, Thomas turned towards the door taking off as fast as he could. This time he didn't stop as he heard his name being called and the rushing of Alastair's feet behind him. Thomas finally got to the big institute doors pushing them open as he ran, a couple of minutes after Alastair stopped and watched sadly as the other man left knowing he wouldn't be able to catch up with him. Alastair reached for the institute door, stopping as his eyes landed on the one person he hoped he'd never see again.

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