Let the games begin.

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Jim Morrison once said " Love cannot save you from your own fate." Remembering this at 6:00 in the morning,after last nights party. Nate and I  went to bed,however in my case that wasn't so easy unlike Nate I had to rest off my jet leg. I stayed up thinking which wasn't helping me sleep. After a hour of staying up I gave up and decade to go on a run. 

I put on my shorts, an sport bra, and pulled my hair into a pony tail. Grabbing my head phones and made my way down stairs. running always help me clear my mind. I open the door to be met by a  breeze of cold air.

As I start to run memories and flashbacks start come to me. The time me and Collin ,went down to the pond and had a picnic,watching the sunset, Going swimming, talk about the future, but my favorite memory that we shared was when we would go and walk on the beach listen to the waves crash was like a soft melody coming in telling us that the world will always keep moving. Then all of a sudden hurt, sadness and depression filled me.Next thing you know I'm running faster, faster and faster. I looked down at my watch and seeing that I've been running for about two hours now I probably should be getting home my mother would be fixing breakfast for the house. By now my hair is falling down my body is covered in sweat and I'm exhausted. I need some rest.

As I make it to my front door I'm hesitant to open the door. I don't know whats going to be behind it and what it's going to hold. As I open the door I prayed Collin wouldn't be behind the door, fate was not on my side today. Our eyes met and I feel like the world stop I don't want to have these feelings for him I need to get over him he wasn't there for me when I need him the most. He looks me up and down seeing the sweat from my body, his eyes filled with lush. He's hesitant to talk to me after our conversation last night I don't even know what we would talk about.

"Good morning Peyton how was your run?"he asked with the husky voice.
I try to stay calm because I don't want him to think that last night affected me any 

"fine."I keep my answer short, don't want him to believe we could go back to what we used to be. I look around and see that no one's up that strange normally everybody's up by this time. As I'm about to walk up to my room Collin grabbed my hand. "wait" he asked hesitating.

"What now Collin." looking back a flash of sadness and regret covers his face. "I ...I need for you to talk to me. I know, our past is hard to get past by and you hate me but, I want to be there for you.. No I need to be there for you." 

"Collin Things can't go back like they were, that was years ago I was young stupid teen  to think that you could ever love or even appreciate my presence. I needed you a long time ago Colin, where were you then "
As I was about to walk back upstairs I heard the door close,Nate appears from upstairs.

"Oh hey baby"Nate spoke with his morning voice." I missed you this morning where did you go?"I pulled my hand away from Collin.I gave Nate a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to go take a shower" I informed Nate.

Then once again someone stop me but it wasn't Collin this time it was Nate. "well let's not waste water I'll join you" I laugh at his comment but Collins didn't find it very funny. If I would say so I would believe he was jealous.  I step down and put my hand on Nates chest and whispered in his ear loud enough for him and Collin to hear " race ya."

 I run upstairs this time no one stopped me.

If I'm going to have to stay in the same house as Collin ,I might as well as enjoy making his time hell. 

Let the games begin.

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