Back to the old..

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Collin Prov:

The doctor came down the hall looking down at the ground, I had a sicking feeling. He came to a stop and looked at me. " Hello...I-Im so sorry we tried very thing that we could, Her body couldn't take it anymore." I felt as my world stop she was gone.. and I never got to tell her.


I see a bright light in my eyes, where am I? When my sight comes back, I see a Women looking at me. The room was all white and I was in a bed. " where am I and who are you?" I ask the lady in all white.

" Well Peyton, you gave up so this is where you are." she stop and looks at me trying to read me. Im Dead. " How do you feel?" she ask

" I happy that I wont be a pain to anyone els. They can move on with there life." I cause so much trouble and pain to the ones I care so much about.

The lady looks at me." Honey you taking your own life didn't help anyone, without you some people don't know what to do." she stop and takes my hand, warmth fills my body. "Im going to show you that with out in this world some people are lost."Then a big bright light filled the room.

I look around and I see my mom seating at her make up chair. My dad walks in and she doesn't look at him. Her eyes are glued to a picture of me in college. " sweetie we should get going to the party." My dad tells my mother as he puts his watch on. Then she finally turn to him.

" how many times do I have to tell you that Im not going to a damn party. you go get drunk, hook up with someone, In all honesty I don't care. I just want to be alone and seat here. Okay?" My mother yells at my dad. What happen to them they use to love each other, every time they seen each other there eyes light up. The light was gone and darkness filled the empty place.

" when you took your own life , your mom stop talking to everyone she blamed it on herself for not begin there for you." The lady explains to me " your father tried everything to help her get back on her feet but, she always pushing him away.

" you see you begin gone isn't helping anyone." She say while looking around see my mother cry for her lost child.

" but thats what parents do when they lose a child.I bet you Collin is doing fine without me." Then the bright light came once again.

When the light goes away I see Collins at his desk. I look around and everything is dark. Collin looks as he hasn't sleep  in years. The fun, bright, smart, sexy man was replace with a lifeless one.

" you see when you killed your self Collin was the one to find you. He throw himself into work. Never dates... you were the only women he ever cared about so now there is nothing left. His job is all he has."

I walk over to him and place my hands on this shoulder and I could feel all the pain he was going through. He got up and went to his bar and got a glass of whiskey. The lady walks over to me " he drinks every night hoping to see you."

" Why did you have to go Peyton... I loved you much. You were the best thing that has ever happen to me. When we were little we would always say forever and always. What happen? You just gave up and its all my fault. The love of my life dead because I was so selfish!'' he yells and the throw the glass at the wall and it breaks into piece. I never wanted this to happen. He loved me and I just left him, How was I to be mad at him for leaving when he just wanted me to live my life? The can't be it.

" I want to go back." I tell the lady and she look down at me." Im sorry honey but it doesn't work like that, you choose to do this." I was crying not just for me but for my mom,my dad , and for my Colin.

"Please I have to go back!" I yelled and then she shook her head and starting to walk off. "Please I want to go back!"

The darkness covered over me....

Beep..beep..beep. what is that sound? I open my eyes to see I'm in a center...

What happen? Where is Collin? I see the nurse button, I used the Button and waited for the nurse to come in.

"welcome back Mrs.Forrester." what I'm not married to Collin. " where is Collin?" I ask the nurse. She looked behind her to see and very upset Collin. He looked up and he ran over to me and looked into my eyes. The nurse left the room.

Collins eyes were red and puffy why was he crying? "Collin whats wrong? why are you crying?" I asked

" I thought I lost you.. I broke down your door and you were on the floor and I was so scared that you tried to take your own life... please don't ever leave me like that." He was so upset and the next thing I know Collin was in my bed, holding me. The feelings of begin in his arm was like home, I felt loved

After a few minutes, the air was so filled with unanswered questions. But the big questions..

'' Why did you do it?" he asked




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