When All Goes Wrong.

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Then I felt myself being pulled away from Collin. Nate. Why the hell is he here and with kate. "What the hell Nate? get your hands off me!" I yelled. Tears came to my eyes but I came them in. Peopleare looking at our Little seen.
" What the hell? Really? You were about to kiss that prick, your mine and only mine." He declared.
"Nate. I told you we are over. You cheated on me with my whore of a best friend !" I hissed back. Kate looked at me and her face filled with regret. " Nate just go home, go have sex with some whore, go jump off a bridge, I don't care what you do but go."
" I can't just go cause I'm in love with you, Kate means nothing to me!" With that Kate's face filled with hurt and a sob left her mouth.
"What?" Her voice was so soft and hurt.
Nate turn to her" i don't love you. Kate you just wanted someone to love you and I need to have my needs filled." He told her in a bored toke. What an ass
" you used me, I lost my family and my best friend cause you need sex!" Kate was sobbing now. She ran out of the diner.
Nate came up to me and pulled his lips to mine. It didn't feel like it use to, it was sickening. The Sparks were gone and hate filled their place. I try pushing him off but I couldn't. Somehow or Someone got him off me. Collin.
Next thing I know, Nate is in the floor. Collin was holding his wrist. Did he do that?
Nate stands up and his lip is busted.
" Payton why are doing this to me? Is it him?" His voice sounds like the odd Nate I use to know. In all honesty it wasn't about Collin it was the fact he cheated on me with my best friend.
" No Nate it's not about Collin. He is just a really old friend." I answered and looked at Collin in the corner  of my eye. He was in a deep thought.
" Can I ask you something? Where was he when you need him? Where was he when you graduated? And lastly were was he when you tried to take your own life?" This snapped Colin out of his thought. He looked at me trying to see if was true.

The sad part it was....


Hey guys I changed how Nate and Payton meet, they went to college together. But one night they got really drunk and they slept together, and start to go out. 2 years later...

Love Kate

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