The betrayal

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"hey Babe, you look amzing." Nate said to me but it didn't feel like all he other times he would say that . I have him a quick kiss on the cheek and we made our way to our date.

{ time past @ dinner }

" hello my name is Wendy and I'm going to be you're server tonight." She said to us with filtration  towards Nate and he just smirked turning  to me. For some reason I feel like He is hiding something from me. We ordered our food and we were drinking wine, he still hasn't talked to me... whats going on.

"Nate are you Okay.. did I do something wrong?" I asked. He looked at me his face flashed with sadness and retreat. "Pay-" He was cut off by my phone. I looked down a seen something that broke my heart into millions of pieces.

"N..aa..te who is she and why are you kissing her.?'' Tears started to come down my face. I started to stand up then he looked u "baby wait.. let me explain." He yelled to me. I looked back to my phone and looked at the girl in the picture... My best friend Kate. More trears came down. I was about to walk out till he grab my wrist..

" Lets talk please." He pleaded. NO. This cant be happen to me. my best friend wouldnt do that to me, she helped me, and he said he loved me..

" Why.. All thoses times I let her stay with us in our home. You most thought I was so dumb to fall for you. Out of all people.... my best friend. " by now people where looking at us. some had pity looks towards me. I walked to the door " Baby, we can work this out.. I love you."

I walked back to him and slapped him." You know I trusted you ,you were my best friend not only that you were the man that I loved. Why was it because you weren't  getting any.  Is there even a photo shoot or is it just an excuse to go see her?" The sadness that I feel turned into anger I want him to answer my question. I know people at their phones out taking pictures tomorrow I'm probably going to be in the front cover of a magazine. He doesn't answer me.
" ANSWER ME!" I yelled. He didn't say anything for a few minutes. "yes" he whispered back if I was this close to him you wouldn't have heard him. Tear still rolling down my face but everybody could see that the hurt, sadness and anger that was in my teary eyes. I trusted him with everything I had they were all I had look at me now I'm back to where was in high school that sad little girl that everybody felt bad for her because she never got the person that she wanted.
"Baby I don't love her I love you" he pleaded

"You don't know what love is you say you don't love her but yet there's a feeling inside you because you can't just have sex with somebody without having any meaning to it whatsoever."
I looked in his eyes  I'm not gonna fall for it I'm not going  to be that little girl anymore.

"I want you out of my house by the end of next week if you're not I will personally call the cops and ask them to escort you out. And don't think of calling me even asking about me. Also tell my slut of a best friend that we're no longer friends and she is uninvited to the ball this weekend and if she shows up I will ruin her career and yours too." I explain to him. He looks scared. Don't mess with a angry women.

I walked out of the restaurant and kept on walking about a block away . Then I stopped and then hit me. Everything that I've been running for years has finally gotten back to me I was still that girl that was falling for someone who she shouldn't be, all I wanted was someone who except me and love me. Maybe I can't be loved.

I looked down at my phone and see that it's about 1 o'clock I want to go home but I don't want have a ride or taxi money. I scrolled through my phone to find out who I can call that would pick me up

Mom and dad they're in bed
James it's too late to ask him to drive out here he has family.

Then I came to last number that I didn't even know that was in my phone hopefully they will pick up. I pressed the caller ID and waited for him to answer the phone, after A few rings he answered.


* next chapter is going to be a big one!
Love kate

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