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"After almost terrorizing my village and kidnapping my daughter. I'm not surprised that you'd capture one of the only beings that doesn't need part in this mess," the Chief growled at Tigress gently placing the girl on a cot. The feline turned to the looming red tiger in the barracks.

"I'm protecting her," she said wiping away the blood from the cuts. Sapphire let out small breaths responding to the small stings.

Tigress frowned at the movement.

"How is making her your lotus 'protecting'. She's not a weapon. She's a human. An entity that doesn't need to take part in finding those cursed relics!" The Chief growled in a low whisper looking at the girl.

"I may have done terrible decisions in the past. But I won't let this one fail, Zara. She has been possessed and I'll track the bastard to stop them from finding the relics." Tigress claimed whipping the towel onto a table. The tray rattled her force onto the floor.

"They already found the first. The ability to puppet through various bodies," she said glaring at the Chief.

The Tiger grew furious with her markings getting darker. She eyed the girl on the cot.

'I promised her I would help her. She doesn't deserve to get wrapped into this mess and with this master of all lotuses. If going by those lights that appeared, her human blood maybe the key to locating the lost relics'

The Chief closed her eyes at the incoming headache. She sighed and returned her gaze to Tigress.

"A human may get us closer to a relic. But you don't have lotus blood and your arrangement is fragile. Ava may need to take your position if this were to work," The Chief said pointing to the sleeping girl.

"No. The connection is delicate. But until your daughter finds the the ability to use her power," Tigress stopped when she heard claws unleashed. The Chief gave a deadly glare to the feline before the doors slid open. The Chief retracted her claws at the sight of Viper.

"Is Ava alright?" She calmly said. Viper nodded with her eyes narrowed on Tigress.

"She woke up and is asking for you," she said as the Chief left the room. Tigress looked towards Viper with an empty gaze. The doors slid shut and Viper whipped her tail against her friends face.

Tigress stood her ground.

"Are you done." She said in annoyance.

Viper hissed in anger at the stoic face.

"No! How was this part of the plan. You lied and she got hurt. And I'm an idiot for doing so!" Viper whispered with heated anger.

Tigress sighed and looked at the Sapphire.

"You are right. I had to lie because you wouldn't have followed through with the ritual. And I was wrong about her being a criminal."

Tigress said with guilt rising in her chest. "She clearly didn't remember stealing the item and her memories are becoming foggy. They're trying to erase everything," Tigress said grabbing the notebook from her bag to write in details of the bastards whereabouts.

Viper wanted to slap the book off from Tigress's hands. But the sight of her friend made her tend to the wounds.

Tigress looked up to see Viper tending to the sleeping patient. She sighed placing the book down next to her. She reached over to the girls hands. A golden glow emerged from her touch. Scars disappeared with the bright light.

"She'll be fine. I am going to make sure nothing harms her. Especially since I've been quite not as welcoming to her," the feline said placing a satchel filled with the girls belongings next to the cot.

Her gaze flickered from Viper to the movement from the cot.

"I need to take a walk. Keep an eye on her and don't let the dancer near her," she said packing up her bag.

Viper was about to stop her. But shifted her attention to the sleeping form of Sapphire.

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