Setting Fate

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Tigress leafs through pages at Shifu's desk. She pauses when her eyes land on an image of a heart.

"Finally." She sighs in exhaustion. Her claw follows the image to an inked paw bleeding with a relic hovering over it.

'At least the stage is set. All I need is Viper to follow through. If not, this will be painful' Tigress thought turning the page to a bleeding lotus. Where a figure stood in the middle slashed in half.

She places the book down and grabs her satchel to pull out scraps of paper. Tigress reads through a dried out letter stained with yellow marks and scotch tape.

"No wonder she's not open about it. But why does she have a picture of me?" She says to herself eyeing with curiosity the picture. Her ears twitch when she hears footsteps walking up the Jade Palace. She runs out the room and finds a window to peer over the entrance.

A hooded figure moves towards the Jade Palace.

'Is Sapphire already here? This is a head of schedule. But where's Viper?' Tigress paused eyeing the figure stumble around with a heavy bag.

'I need to wait for Viper to distract her. It's the only way to not make a mistake. Where are you Viper' Tigress sighed with her eyes closed in frustration. But when her eyes opened 'Sapphire' was gone from the Palace entrance.

'What's going on' She thought to herself.


Sapphire apologized to Viper carrying her ribbons into her room.

"Sorry for leaving earlier. Your show was amazing," Sapphire said trying to help her friend in carrying the colorful items.

Viper gave the box to Sapphire to place on her desk.

"It's fine. But this is not the end of the show. I want to take you to the Jade Fountain," Viper began. Sapphire stood straight in alarm.

"Jade Fountain?!" Sapphire nervously replied. Viper nodded in response with a concern expression.

"Isn't it closed after 5 today?" Sapphire asked trying to keep her cool. Viper eyed the girl's shifty attitude.

"No. It's open for a few extra hours. But that's not the point. I want to show you something," Viper was explaining before Sapphire cut her off mid sentence.

"Sounds amazing. How about I meet you up at the Jade pa- Fountain. I have to find," she shivers from the slight breeze. "My jacket that I lost. Somewhere in the dancers tent. Bye" Sapphire ran off into the red tent leaving a perplexed Viper.

"Ava! Mom wants to see you" Mark yelled at his sisters room from across the hall. He growls below his breath and jumps out of his room towards the curtain.

"Come on this is the night mom and Chief are preparing the ritual. Maybe you'll finally connect with the lotus." He hears no response with his chest letting out a breath. "Sorry for yelling at you and the 'precious human'. There I said it. Now can you please come out," he asks again.

Only for Sapphire to run into him. She stumbles towards the curtains as the Tiger pushed her away from him. Mark growls at the human.

"What are you doing here!" He threatens with his claws out.

"Nothing. I need to find an exit," Sapphire said quickly getting off the floor. She turns only to be faced by the Chief walking down the hallway.

"Hi, Chief. I'm heading out the back where you showed me. Is that alright?" The tiger nodded in response. Marks teeth were clenched as Sapphire waltzed out Lotus territory.

"Ava. Still doesn't want to get out Chief. I did my duty. Now I'll be at the ritual," he turned away from the Chief and left. The Chief walks into Avas room only to witness her bookshelf removed of all books and scattered objects litter the floor. And looks down to see a broken lotus necklace.

'Ava. Of all times to find the truth. Why did you choose now to search. Especially tonight' the Chief thought running out the room.

She yells to her guards. "She's missing. We need to find her before night sets. Or she'll be vulnerable." The tigers received their order and rushed out the tent.

The Chief looks at the setting sun casting an orange haze over the Jade Palace.

'Please don't be at the Jade Palace'

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