Water Fall

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Sapphire walked into the cobblestone path that led into the outhouse, which was well-lit with torches that reflected their glow against the mini bamboo forest surrounding it. She pushed through the doors and passed several rooms to the back.

"Finally, some alone time." she exhaled, looking at the large obsidian pool in the room with water vapor rising to the domed ceiling. A small strip of light came from the small opening that let out the steam.

She went to the right side of the room with a small locker to place her items. Sapphire then stripped and went to the pool.

"Oh. Now, this is heaven." She said, easing herself into the warm pool with Lilly pads floating around her like boats. She looked around in the dimly-lit room to see her shadow wave on the marble walls.

"Viper wasn't lying that they had a perfect sauna," she sunk into the silence and floated in the center.

Until the door for the bathhouse opened, Sapphire stood up and floated to grab onto the side of the pool. Her eyes whorled to the distant room holding her clothes. She then saw a furry shadow walk into that room. 

She looked around the room for an escape. But decides to swim around a large rock displayed in the pool. Sapphire then waited for the figure to approach the collection and sink into the waters. She held her breath and peeked around the room. 

She spotted an orange fur over the rocks. 

'Oh. no. This is so awkward' her thought was stopped when water splashed in her direction. She peeked around the rock to see an unamused Tigress leaning against the pool.

"Did you think I wouldn't spot a heavily breathing rock?" the feline pointed to the mysterious gaze Sapphire was giving the roof.

"No! I was relaxing against the heated rock. I didn't want to intrude or anything. I'll go," Sapphire said, walking back up the stairs. 

"Wait! Watch out for that step," Tigress saw Sapphire slip on the floor over the short side of the rocks. The feline jumped into action and caught the woman in her arms. They both tumbled to the ground with Tigress at the bottom, holding Sapphire in her arms. 

Sapphire's face paled, feeling the sudden drop in her stomach and the change in temperature on the ground. She then saw the feline stare back at her with amber eyes. 

The girl froze at the feline's golden gaze.

"Are you okay?" Tigress asked, seeing the shifting colors on Sapphire's. The sound of a cup cluttering the floor caught the duo's attention. Viper stood open mouth at them. 

"I'll come back if this is a bad time," Viper said, turning to leave the chamber. Sapphire jumped from her position. She waved her hands in front of her.

"No! No! It's not what it looks like. I slipped, and she saved me. Thank you, by the way," Sapphire said to the feline, who nodded as she went back into the pool and leaned against one of the heated rocks.

Viper looked back and forth between the two. 

"Too bad." Viper said in disappointment. Sapphire turned a shocked face at Viper's admission as she began to shiver. Tigress's eyes opened to throw a glare in the snake's direction.

"Glad you're safe. Try not to rush into another injury, please," Viper said, handing Sapphire a towel, and the Viper progressed towards a warming chamber next to the pool.

Sapphire nodded and took the towel in a rush to the locker area. She stops to look into a mirror displayed in the side lockers. She stares at her own brown eyes, reflecting the warm glow near her gaze.

'Her eyes. She's not my Tigress.' ugh, I need to get out of this world.

She rubs the towel against her face to look at her messy hair. 


"You two are getting along." Viper says to Tigress, staring at the roof. The feline looks over to Viper and lets out a sigh. 

"I am doing what is hospitable to a guest. But I do hope her family finds her," Tigress stares down at a Lilly floating next to her paw. 

"They probably miss her," Tigress said, again closing her eyes. Rainfall began to hit outside the outhouse along the opened roof. 

"I think she will find them in time." Viper ends.

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