The Dragon's Lotus

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Present day .....

Viper and Sapphire toured the many street vendors of the valley. Sapphire wore her blue vest that was concealed by her color-changing jacket. She had convinced Viper that her clothing was made for festive occasions.

"Whoa. These noodles are the best, Viper. It's like heaven but in food form," Sapphire said, eating a bowl of noodles. Viper nodded in response as they stood alongside a noodle cart.

"They're the best because of a secret ingredient." Mr. Ping boasted. Sapphire was about to ask Mr. Ping what it was when the sound of drums coming from the square made her breathless.

Tigers in battle dresses traversed in smooth movements across the stage. Shades of black and orange clashed as the dancers fought the villain. The audience oohed in awe at their acrobatic maneuvers.

"So, is that a yes or no for another order of noodles." Mr. Ping asked before his eyes followed what she was staring at in the distance.

"Ah. The dancing Tigers. They're quite the spectacle. But did ya know they were previously thieves?" Sapphire turned to Mr. Ping, who arranged more noodle bowls in his cart.

"Good for them. They've got the hang of "capturing" an audience." Sapphire winked at Viper for approval of the pun. Her friend shook her head with a smile.

"Nope. If this is your A-game, I might have to hold the audience back from throwing tomatoes." Viper teased, pointing at the stack of tomato boxes enclosed behind Mr. Ping.

"You wound me with the truth! But, anyway, thanks, Mr. Ping, for the coupon and soup." Sapphire thanked the noodle chef before walking alongside Viper to the performance.

"Don't you go up after the Majestic Tigers?" Sapphire said, eyeing a tiger do multiple flips and land with one leg.

"Well, gee, are you guys made of steel 'cause I don't think I could perform on their level, Vi," Sapphire said with eyes wide in amazement.

"They're training comes from their expertise. So it would take anyone years to be on their level." Viper said as she saw the hero bring out a lotus.

"So what's the story about? The hero triumphs over the villain and gets the girl or enemy to lovers trope?" Sapphire asked Viper.

"It's about rewriting the past and the destruction of reality."  Viper began with the tigers in black and started to circle the lotus hero.

"That's a bit of a turn. Destruction of realities seems heavy for a children's story," Sapphire laughed dryly as her eyes shifted uncomfortably from Viper to the dancers. The lotus hero battled the shadows and defeated the assailant with one last flair of a kick.

"Yes. It is a telling about how one must keep moving forward. Even with regrets," Viper grimaced with her heart feeling heavy.

Sapphire glanced down in concern at her friend. But her attention was caught by the Lotus warrior yelling the last few words.

"Balance must be restored. Truth shall remain. And peace is attained." The lotus preached as a blinding light engulfed the Tiger and disappeared in red smoke.

"Woah. Can't wait to see your performance, Vi. If these dancers appear this amazing, then your dance is sure to ignite the audience," Sapphire said, clapping for the show's cast.

Viper smiled before turning around to see a lotus stand selling glowing replicas.

"Hey, Vi, I'm going to check out the dancers and ask for their signatures. I'll meet you back on the stage." Sapphire stated as she saw a sign posted for a meet-up near the dancer's red tent.

"Sure. I also have to check in with the event director." Viper said, pointing her tail to a peacock arranging the lights on stage.
"Master Viper, it's an honor to have you here. Do you come here to erase the scandals plaguing the Jade Palace?" He gestured his paw over to the side table.

Viper glared at the vendor, and her gaze turned over to a few bottles of potions marked red and blue.

The red charm reflected uncertain blue eyes as the sound of the festivities blended into a whisper.
*This is the past*
Viper heard yells coming from the room across hers. She slithered through the doors and saw Tigress cutting Sapphire's hair.

"What are you doing," Viper demanded as she examined her patient's labored breathing.

Tigress tore up Sapphire's shirt and turned her head to Viper. "Her yelling distracted me from my studies." She began only to notice the uptake in the gasping noises.

"Quickly get more pillows. She needs to be," she was cut off by Viper leaving and appearing with new pillows. They arranged to sit up Sapphire, and they removed the constructed clothing. Tigress clothes Sapphire into a blue vest left unbuttoned.

"Keep an eye on her. She might have more in the future." She said with her paws picking up the shredded pieces of the shirt and hair.

Viper noticed Tigress bagging up the items.

"Tigress, she probably has a replica and is lost. What's going on in your head to think she's the thief." Viper accused her feline friend a few nights ago before the festival.

"She's a similar signature, based on her aura, to a possessor I've encountered, and I'll have proof if you take her to the exhibit." Tigress's declared with finality.

"If you believe she's innocent, you shouldn't worry. But if I'm not wrong." Tigress's let her warning ring in the thin air.

"How can you be sure," Viper asked the feline, reading the journal.

"Her lotus has traces of the relic, and if I can trap her. I'll be able to take the relic from her and question her personally." Tigress explained with her notes riddled with red marks.

"What if I ask her directly about the lotus? She might know and be willing to cooperate with us if she knew what was happening." Viper suggested a way from the ritual. Tigress paused in her writing. Her brows furrowed.

"I agree. I don't want to hurt her, either. If you can, question her using a truth spell first, it will prevent the possesor from interfering. But this is the last resort for our safety."
"How much for a truth charm?" Viper said to the vendor. The tiger grabbed the red charm from the table.

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