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The past

"Tigress you need to take a break from searching for the relics." Viper said with concern to Tigress's nightly obsession.

The feline was packaging her small bag with rations and tools. She glances towards the mirror in front of her. Viper caught her eyes.

"I need to do this. Shifu died before discovering the Lotus. I'm going to find them before a disaster strikes." Tigress said tying up her bag. She grabs the bag off her mat and turns to Viper.

"Even if they don't exist for anyone to find. I'm sure they are out there and I will do whatever it takes to prevent them from being misused," she said with finality.

Tigress was about to leave when she was stopped by Vipers tail on her shoulder.

"I understand that you want to do this for Shifu. But please slow down before jumping into matters that could cause you harm. If you need help, you have us to search for the lotus. Don't push yourself," Viper advised.

"I know my limits," Tigress said as she left Viper in her darkroom.


Tigress jumped from treetops onto a roof. Her sources on the black market told her that a piece of a lotus necklace was in the hands of an eccentric collector.

A collector that was displaying it for the town's festival. She needed to replace the original with a fake piece.

Tigress crept alongside the roof and quickly found an unattended window left open. She felt a strong pull to the opening. She jumped through landing on a tatami mat.

Tigress searched the room and soon felt the same sensation emitting through the other side of the room. Leaving the room she see's a peacock sleeping next to the display.

'Great.' Tigress thought as she made her way to the giant shrine. She looks for a key that would open the doors. Her head turns to the sleeping peacock with a shiny object attached to its neck.

She brings out her claws and unlocks the shrines door. Sliding the doors lock open. Tigress took out the lotus and felt her body grow warm. She then delicately placed the fake inside. Her mission complete she exits out the house onto the roof. Only to be confronted by a cloaked figure sitting casually on the edge.

"Long time no see Tigress. And you've gotten quicker to find at least one relic." The short figure said in a low voice.

"I will never give you the relics," Tigress declared.

"Not even after I killed Shifu. You're still willing to place others in danger." The figure sighed in annoyance.

Tigress's eyes narrowed to slits. " Who. Are. You." She threatened with her claws out ready for a fight. The figure got up from their position. "I am many and I control them. Give me that relic or the town goes into flames." The cloaked figure said holding a button.

Tigress held on to the relic tighter with her paw.

"Don't believe me" the figure said as they pressed the button. A nearby home went up in flames.

Tigress glared daggers at the laughter coming from her enemy.

"You're sick," she yelled at them, while she made her paw bleed. The lotus glowed a faint pink in her secured paw behind her back. After feeling the necklace grow cold. She turned to face the threat.

"What will you choose Tigress?" The figure taunted with amusement at her indecision. Tigress handed her lotus over to the maniac.

"Good, Kitty. But don't worry there's no one in that abandoned home." They mocked at her submission. She paused before giving the necklace.

"Hand over the device, first." She demanded.

The figure nodded. "Time is of essence, of course. But I ugh already detonated bombs and are poised to burst in a few seconds." The creature mumbled.

They began to cough loudly and say gibberish. "Stop. I am the one in control. You need this in exchange for the lotus." The strangled voice said.

Tigress looked back at the burning home. Wood crisping, heart beating, claws piercing the lotus.

'If they're this crazy, I cannot take the chance. I'll find the lotus again' Tigress thought to herself.

She opened her paw to show the lotus gleaming in the moonlight. The figure snatched it and turned to the feline.

"Have a nice day, Tigress." They laughed as they threw the controller up in the air.

Tigress jumped upwards towards the device and pressed the button. A sudden fire was spouted up towards the sky. It burst into fiery flames that fell into snowy gray across the village.

Villagers walked outdoors to see the commotion. "Fireworks." Tigress said as she broke the controller in her hand.

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