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'Sapphire looked at the tapestries hanging off a wall depicting two royal crowns holding a lotus.

"Lotuses sure are popular here," she mumbled to herself only for someone to respond.

"Well, it is part of our history and they represent a sacred part of us." A leopard said handing out an image of the flower. Sapphire met crystal blue eyes. Sapphire took the autograph from the grey spotted feline.

"Thanks for the signature. But I wanted to learn what was the story your group was trying to tell. Not that I wasn't paying attention to your legwork. Ugh. That sounded kinda weird," Sapphire sputtered with her face turning red.

The leopard smiled with her eyes lighting up and grabbing Sapphire's shoulder. She pulled her into the tent. The feline gestured towards the images off the walls.

"It's not a weird question to ask. History is everything. The Lotus is important because of the royalty that protected its power." She began  pointing at the two crowns.

"But our troup told the story of how a foolish lotus warrior tried to abuse it for their own.  This is the juicy part. One of the lovers of the royals decided to sacrifice themselves to protect their beloved and family. And," the feline was stopped from continuing when she heard a growl come from behind her.

"Ava! You're not allowed to bring in a stranger. Especially after the recent incident," a tall Tiger said glaring at Sapphire. Ava wrapped her arm around Sapphires back.

"She's a fan. I was giving her a history lesson. There's no threat to be found, Mark." Ava explained to the annoyed feline. Mark shook his head as he turned away from the two.

"Do whatever you want! Your highness." Sapphire let out a deep breath when he left the room. Ava apologized for her step-brothers rudeness.

"Sorry about that. What else did you find fascinating about the dance," she asked the girl.

"Just wondering what does the lotus do?" Sapphire asked the leopard.

"Oh. That's a bit difficult to explain in one sitting. But in short the ability to control and maintain timelines," Ava stated with her paw pointing at a picture of the stars.

'Timelines? These lotuses are nothing like back home. ' Sapphire sighed in frustration.

"Sounds like a lot to handle for a society" Sapphire commented before her legs were tackled by a pair of furry creatures.

"Woah. She looks exactly like moms storybooks." The little tigers gazed in awe at Sapphire who waved at the cubs.

"Jack! Chloe! Leave her alone. Where's your babysitter?" Ava took on a gentle demanding voice towards the tiger cubs. They jumped upon hearing her.

"She had a meeting, and mom said Chief is in charge."

"Ah. There you are, Ava. Wait, why is there a hu- creature here." A Tiger in a red cloak asked the leopard.

"Hello, Chief. She's a friend, and I wanted to give her a tour." Ava said. The cloaked tiger shifted her eyes to the lotus hanging from the girl's neck.

"Ava. We'll speak later. If she wants an actual lesson, I'm free now." The cloaked Tiger declared to Sapphire's dismay.

"Well, Ava did a great job telling me a history lesson. And besides, it seems you're going through important stuff. Don't want to get in the way," Sapphire said, backing away from the looming Chief.

"Nonsense. As a historian of the Lotus, I insist that knowledge be carried onto others." The cloaked figure said, approaching the reluctant girl. Sapphire shifted her eyes to the stage in front of the tent.

'Maybe I can spend a little more time figuring out their devices before Viper shows up

"Sure. Knowledge is power," Sapphire said with shaky bravado.

Sapphire and the chief walked within the tent. Before she was shoved into a dark room.

"I apologize for the mess. But what is a human like you doing with a Lotus," the Tiger asked with her golden gaze examining Sapphire. The girl got up from the floor.

"Depends. I might be a hybrid monkey. And I could yell and scream for help," Sapphire said, pointing an accusing finger at the feline. Her eyes scanned for a way out of the dimly lit room with her hands fidgeting.

"I suppose that is true. But then you won't know the dangers of possessing what you have. There 'might be death," the tiger casually said as she grabbed a book off the shelves. Sapphire sighed with her fingers clenching.

"How did you know?" She questioned the chief.

"Your kind has been extinct. And you waltz in with that device. I'm surprised you've been able to live this long before encountering a collector." The tiger showed Sapphire a book filled with images of walking humans.

"That's insane. if I'm extinct, what happened to everyone," Sapphire asked, tracing the pictures of walking animals.

"Same reason the Lotus was founded. It's to protect the timeline from becoming abused." Chief flipped a few pages to show a tall figure in red taking the lotus from a stream.

"Greed destroyed humans, and a new reality was formed to replace it. A tragedy for history. I would have enjoyed a conversation with the original humans," She said, closing the book.

"But I'm human?" Sapphire said in confusion.

"You're not from our world based on your Lotus aura, and you stand out like a sore paw," the tiger said, pulling her hood back to show lotus markings on her face and a scar.

"Is there a way for a lotus to teleport me home," Sapphire asked the tiger pulling out her necklace.

"Inter-deminsional travel isn't in any of the writings I've encountered. But the place with the knowledge you're looking for is probably at the Jade Palace," the Tiger sighed, going over the rims of books.

"They've been mercilessly pursuing every scrap of information about the Lotus. Who knows what knowledge they possess." She said, placing the books back on the bookshelf.

"I don't know if I'll be able to search properly can you come with me-," Sapphire began but was shut down by the Chief, turning to the human.

"No. Usually. I'd enjoy a historical tour. But I'm not going anywhere close to the palace. I have to be here," her eyes shifted toward a couple of pictures on the table. When Sapphire was about to look at the images of tigers in golden suits. The chief placed them face down.

"I see. But why are you helping me," she asked the feline who was showing Sapphire the way out.

"You're an ancient creature that died long ago. I don't want you to get murdered while you try to find a way out." Chief said to the girl as they passed a room full of Tigers in dresses and fighting gear.

"Lotuses transcend lifetimes and space. So not helping would be against my code of protecting family. Atleast what I can do at the moment," she said to Sapphire before lifting the tent's closed doors.

"Family," Sapphire said, looking back into that room and seeing cubs hug their moms.

Sapphire felt her throat swell with pain. She coughed to clear her throat.

"Thank you for everything, Chief," she thanked the Tiger.

"I'm only helping a fellow lotus. So if you need more assistance, come around here. Ava could help you with any translations." Chief said. 

A shadow emerged from the tents where Sapphire and the Chief held a conversation.

They quickly followed the human.

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