Noodle Soup

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Before Sapphire entered the dining room with Mantis. She stopped herself. When she saw Tigress hugging Po and for an instant saw her smile. Sapphire felt like she was witnessing a reunion of sorts with Viper also joining in the hug. The group then dispersed and began to talk.

'I'm just going to get some soup and leave them to catch up' Sapphire thought as she began to ease around the oblivious group towards the table for a bowl.

"Yo. Po where's the soup." Mantis's loud voice exposed her. Heads turn to see Mantis. She quickly knelt down to pretend she lost her Lotus necklace. The group turned to Mantis with Tigress eyeing the girl on the floor.

"It's right above the stove. I haven't served it yet. But you should try the new recipe I cooked up in the Mountains. Got a lot of rave reviews for it," Po said as he left to get the soup.

"Nice. Can't wait to eat," Mantis replied hopping onto the table. Viper slithered up to Sapphire taking her time on the floor.

"So is this part of your evading tactics." Viper inclined her head towards Tigress that was filling her own bowl.

"Pfft. No way. I just lost my necklace," Sapphire explained going under the table. Her hands grazed over the wooded planks. Viper then pointed to Sapphire's neck. Where the necklace hung.

"You were saying" She continued. Sapphire cursed under her breath. She crawled out from underneath the table.

"Ok. You got me." Sapphire said as she got up. At the exact same time, Po arrived with the rest of the bowls of soup. Plates quickly slid on the table. Sapphire and Viper took the nearest seats, while Mantis began to chow down on the first bowl.

"Where's Crane and Monkey, Vi," Sapphire asked taking in the noodles from her bowl.

"They're finishing up some decorations for the Dragon Warrior Celebration," Viper said with her eyes widening at her slip-up.

"The what celebration?" Sapphire rose an eyebrow at this turn of events. 

'I haven't even seen the village or heard about anything that's going on in the valley' Sapphire suspiciously thought.

"Only the most awesome celebration ever" Po popped into their conversation. He was about to begin to tell his tale of woe when Tigress interrupted.

"It's where the village gathers to celebrate the day Po saved the town from Tai Lung" Tigress summarized as she placed her spoon down. Po frowned at the sudden end to the story.

Sapphire took in the information and turned to look at Viper.

"Wow. I've been living here for weeks and I never knew this celebration existed. Care to tell why, Viper," Sapphire whispered to her friend.

Tigress's ears picked up on the conversation, while Po explained to the feline that there was more to the celebration and story. 

"Well, it never came up in conversation, and yes I do see that maybe restricting you to the Jade Palace was not a good idea. I wanted to make sure you healed properly," Viper apologized for her smothering actions.

"How about I make it up to you?" Viper suggested.

"I'm listening" Sapphire answered.

"I can show you around the festival and my ribbon dancing"

"Sure. I'm down" Sapphire smiled in response.


Tigress observed the girl's conversation. Po realizing that he was having a one-sided conversation with his friend saying yes, repeatedly, and nodding at certain times. He turned to see where her gaze landed on.

"So who's she. A new master cause that means I've been out of the loop for awhile" Po scratched the back of his head sheepishly. He wasn't known for keeping up with letters most of the time.

"No. We found her injured near the bamboo forest. She was just staying here until she recovered. But who knows how long she'll stay," Tigress said finishing her noodle soup. Po sat down next to her.

"Oh. The Bamboo Forest," Po saw Tigress flinch at the mention. He put his paw on her shoulder.

"Tigress. We will be here for you if you need anything," he comforted her.

"Thank you, Po. But that's not what's bothering me." She removed his paw from her shoulder.

"Then what is?" Po asked.

"Her necklace looks exactly like the one that was lost a few weeks back in an ambush. I wonder if she's the thief. But there's something off about her I don't understand." Tigress hinted at confronting her.

"Woah. Woah. Hold on. She could be just a fan of the Lotus cause they're amazing by the way. It might be a souvenir or a replica," he advised as he also had an action figure of the Lotus followers. He turned around to make sure no one heard his outburst.

"I thought so too. But the two events are close to not be coincidental. Besides she hasn't said a word about how she even got to the forest. Other than lying about woodland sprites attacking her," Tigress rolled her eyes at the excuse.

"Woodland Sprites?"

"Exactly," Tigress said.

"So asking is a no go," Po summed up. He looked back to the dining room to peer at Viper laughing at one of Mantis's jokes. Tigress's eyes went to Viper's tail wrapped around Sapphire's stomach.

"Maybe I don't have to ask her directly." Tigress began to plan her mission.

"Wait. So how will you get an answer without asking?" Po wondered aloud as to what she planned to do.

"Easy. Friendship is key" she said narrowing her eyes at the laughing Sapphire from across the room.

'Too easy' Tigress thought.

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