The Lotus Thief

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Years ago...

"Tigress the Lotus is a powerful artifact," said Shifu grabbing the steeled bracelet from the box.

"This is only a replica of the original. The real one is safe somewhere else." He explained to his student.

"Then why so much protection for a fake." She asked the red panda holding the artifact.

"It's a training exercise for the new guards. But we'll take part in the event as the burglars tomorrow. It's not quite the replica for that reason." Shifu ended up placing the bracelet back into its cushion. A streak of lights enveloped the box into an emerald glow.

"It'll be fun to train them," Shifu smiled at Tigress, who was eyeing the Lotus.

The fake bracelet quivered with imbued magic.

"It would unravel our world and end us. Hopefully, no one will find this artifact. It's more dangerous than the others. Better hidden from the wrong hands and a fake stolen," Shifu explained to a confused feline.

"Understood. But after training, the group will head down to the dragon festival. And Po is honoring you with a new noodle soup," Tigress said with hope.

"I'll be there if the training finishes on time and I meet up with the head of security," he said as he closed the lid that the bracelet was displayed in the palace. He turned to Tigress with a smile. "But I will make it a priority to be at the celebration."

Tigress bowed in response. "Thank you, Master Shifu. It's our first festival, and everyone will be waiting to celebrate your efforts in the battle against Tai Lung," Tigress's face winced, remembering Po telling her about Shifu taking on Tai Lung. Alone.

Shifu closed his eyes at the mention of his adopted son. "Well, we all must do what is needed to happen. I only held him off for a bit to allow the Dragon Warrior to find himself," he said, gazing at the hanging dragon in the ceiling. Tigress looked towards the dragon's empty mouth. She then turned to Shifu in protest.

"I know about the risks. But must you take this journey on your own? The Lotus artifacts have been scattered throughout spirit," Tigress was cut off by the red panda's hand signaling silence. He looked at her.

"Tigress, I understand your concerns. But rest assured, I'll be with a team searching for the objects. And second, not many believe that the Lotus is real," Shifu stated with finality.

"Of course, Master Shifu. But be careful. We almost lost Po to the spirit realm. I don't want to lose you, too," she responded painedly. Shifu saw the sadness drift back into his daughter's eyes.

He sighed. "How about this? I'll cut training short, so we can 'hang' and 'chill with the gang' is what Po says is great for relaxing." Shifu air quoted Po's recommendations.

Tigress laughed at Shifu's imitation of Po. "Hang and chill with the gang sounds about right. But your meaning of relaxing has changed significantly," she said to Shifu, who smiled.

"Well, with Po continuously training to become a teacher under me. He, too, has taught me a few things." Shifu said as he and Tigress began to walk out of the Jade Palace. The heavy doors closed behind them, leaving the palace in ominous darkness.

Tigress wandered into Mr. Pings Noodle Shop, where the group would celebrate. Po was knifing vegetables with ease onto a cutting board. Customers were amazed at Po's cooking skills while waiting for their food.

She moved between tables to see her friend Viper hanging posters for the ribbon dance later in the week.

"So the ribbon dance will be after the ceremony." Tigress read on the posters that her friend was placing. Viper turned to Tigress.

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