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Viper waved Sapphire over to the stage with her blue ribbon. The girl waved in turn as she ran towards her friend.

"Hey, Vi. Ready for the show," Sapphire said to Viper. The tree snake nodded towards Sapphire as she also acknowledged the event director that was pacing in front of them.

"Yes. I am. Hopefully, the stage has been corrected for the dance. Don't need fireworks within the stage," Viper said to Sapphire.

"Everyone find your positions." The director ordered over the stage. Sapphire said good luck to her friend and left to sit in the front.

Viper illuminated the stage with blue wings forming from her spinning ribbons. The audience felt the roars from the dragon as both fought against a dark figure. Clashes of red and blue sliced the air in arcs that slowed when the stage glowed a golden yellow.

Sapphire eyes widen with each passing color.

"Woah. She really knows how to merge those dances," Ava said to Sapphire that sat next to her. She jumped and turned to the awed leopard.

"Yeah. She's a master at that." She said looking at Vipers ease of movement. Her eyes shifted back to Ava.

"So when are you going to the Jade Palace?"Ava asked with enthusiasm. Sapphire jumped rigidly from her wooden seat.

"Wait. What are you talking about?" the girl said in a hush tone. Ava rolled her eyes at Sapphire. She then grabbed the humans hand and dragged her from the ending of the dance.
Viper saw for a split second her friend leaving with a stranger. She felt her heart grow heavy. But shook her head to then pose for applause.
"Look. Ava, right? I'm just going in for a little research and it's none of your concern." Sapphire tried to explain to the feline who had her arms crossed.

"No way. You're a traveler just like from the stories. I'm not letting this historical moment go to waste." Ava declared to the girl with her fist held in declaration. Sapphire glared at the leopard and turned to leave.

"Let me help you," Ava said grabbing Sapphires shoulder with her paw. The girl flinched at the touch. The leopard quickly removed her hold.

Sapphire kept her back turned to Ava as she prattled.

"I can help you find your way home by finding the right pieces of information. I know how to navigate archives," she said to Sapphire.

"Can you do any of that on your own?" the leopard asked.

The girl turned to meet blue irises. She sighed with her breath exhaling loudly. 

"Fine. But Tell me why you're coming. It may be History and all. You want more than just helping me, right" Sapphire said, pointing at Ava's bag filled with books containing lotus symbols.

The leopard jumped to hide her books. Her face turned red at her collection spilling out of her satchel. "No, and yes." She cryptically responded.

"Well, that's better than nothing. Meet me at the Jade pa-," The leopard cut off sapphire.

"About that. Can you get me in without anyone seeing me? I kinda have a lot of crazy admirers." She began only for Sapphire to throw her jacket at the leopard.

"Use that for camouflage. Large crowds will blend you in, and no one will notice. My aunt experimented on it. Just press the side of it," she said, leaving the surprised leopard playing with the item. Her fur changing colors with the jacket caused her face to break into a smile.

Sapphire was amused at a feline gushing over a worn-out jacket used for her many outings. She turned to leave.

"Meet me at the Jade Palace around sundown," she yelled over her shoulder.
'Soon, I'll get out of here. But it was kinda nice for a little bit, Sapphire thought as she waited for Viper in the dress rooms.

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