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"Last one. Give me your name, age, CTU, a strength and weakness, and something you miss from home."

"Oscar Burton, fourty-one, and I'm working with SAS."

"Okay, what's a strength of yours?"

"I'm great in close quarters combat. I specialize in... Hostage situations." He says with a odd grin. It made Ritual's hair stand on end.

"Much like myself." She clicks her tongue, snapping back slightly. "Weakness?"

"I don't have one."

"Right..." She says slowly, looking up for a moment. Cooper was right, this guy was weird. "And something you miss from home."

"There's nothin' back there for me."

Boring, Ritual thinks to herself with a small sigh, clicking off. "All done. Go relax." She dismisses and stands up, not even bothering with her notes. They both leave, with Oscar slinking off while the rest of the group sits on the couches. Ritual looks over the lot before going to the kitchen and leaning against the counter.

"Okay," The woman brushes her gloved hand over the counter as she swings around, resting her head on the other and looking over the curious men. "Since it's your first day, I'll be nice... Just do me a favor and finish unpacking your things while I make dinner. I want those empty crates gone."

"Yes ma'am!" They all get up and head to the lockers, excited to finally eat. The men chat along the way, making conversation as they unpack their belongings.

"It sure was nice of Rainbow to let us keep our weapons," Vyacheslav chimes as he places the last of his gear on the hooks before lovingly picking up his shotgun. He inspects it to make sure it's empty, checks for safety, and places it in the side of his locker.

"I got some new things," Beau inspects his factory issue P9 before putting it into the locker. "Hopefully it won't be so bad."

"Oho, see, I won't do new," Gunnar chimes. "A good gun for a soldier is like a horse to a gunslinger; that thing stays by your side until one of you dies." He carefully lays his weapons down. "They'd have to pry these out of my hands."

"Hey," Anton comes in last, pushing open the door with a crate in his hands. "Check this out."

"What is it?" Beau asks as the group turns to look at him over their locker doors.

"Good question," He sets it down on the bench before opening the flaps. "It's... Helmets?"

"Wait," Cooper peeks his head out. "Helmets? Actual helmets?"

"Oh hell yeah," Gunnar smirks. "Toss me one, large!

"Extra large for me," Vyacheslav chimes, grinning as the men pass the helmets around until they each have their size. They put the new gifts in their lockers and close up, getting ready to head out at the smell of food. All of them leave except for Gunnar.

He looks at the shield that hung on the wall, the only thing that remained on several empty hooks. It didn't look like something he would typically use, but if she saw potential in him, he'd try it. The black surface was battered and scratched, some areas chipping, and some fading. He knew it had to be Ritual's. He thought about what he knew of her. A strong feeling overwhelmed him, hanging over him every time he looked into her eyes.

"Are you coming, Gunnar?" Vyacheslav holds the door open, looking back at him.

"Yeah," he snaps out of it, standing up. "I'm coming."

The two walk out and see the rest of the men starting a new card game on the table. They sit to join them, occasionally looking back and watching Ritual buzz around the kitchen. She seemed to make no sound, only the crackling of meat on a pan and the boiling of a rich smelling broth, a knife on a cutting board, and the doors to the cupboards closing. It was as though they were haunted.

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