It's Not Over

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"This is it, boys." Ritual says softly, bracing the heavy doors to the dark catwalk. The men funnel through behind her, pausing for a moment to take it in for the first time. They scan the stocked arsenals of each operator, seeing some neatly organized, some with gear scattered and helmets kicked around, some with new guns and some that looked like they'd seen a few wars. They're all startled by the door closing and sealing behind them with a small hiss, locking them in to the suffocating space. Ritual didn't budge. She called it home. "Follow me."

Gunnar follows closely along the catwalk as though he'd lose her if he looked away for a single moment. Part of him wanted to reach for her hand, but he knew it wasn't the time.

They trail loyally behind her until they reach a large door. She taps it for a moment before drawing her keycard again. She does a headcount to make sure all are with her, before turning and walking inside.


"Ah, yes. I had a feeling you might come." Harry smiles softly, before it fades, along with his voice, as Ritual comes in and takes her seat. As the other men trace her steps, Gunnar hesitates for a moment and glances over his shoulder. The door slowly eases closed, signaling him to speak.

"Furaha." He addresses the man, who was leaning against the wall a small distance from the door. "Should've known Kali was keeping a watchful eye."

"I know why you're here, Gunner. Does she?" Wamai asks, crossing his arms.

"You don't know anything about Ritual." Gunnar quickly snaps at him, keeping his voice low. "Or me."

"I know that you will stop at nothing to reach her. I know that she will stop at nothing to reach the others. If you put those two together, we find two operators who will do anything to stop Kali... And two operators missing in action."

"A petty, empty threat is just like her." Gunnar snarls, taking a step forward.

"Do you think she would send me only to threaten you?" Wamai looks up sternly and meets his gaze. The man takes a big step and grasps Gunnar's wrist, dropping something into his hand. Without another word, he turns and walks away.

"Gunnar?" Ritual opens the door, peeking out to see him. She attempts to glance past him, but knowingly, he steps in the way of her sight on the NIGHTHAVEN operator and drops whatever it was he was given into his pocket.

"I'm sorry..." He stammers softly and turns to meet her. "I thought I saw a snake." He grimaces, making sure one last time that Wamai had left, and closes the door behind himself. The men stand in a line, dressed in all of their gear, masking their nerves while they wait patiently to start.

"Oh, wow..." Harry hums. "All of you are here." He folds his hands. "No matter. What is it?"

"I got your message." Ritual sits down, folding her hands. "Though I think Smoke may have worded it differently than you intended."

"Ah, yes, I know your relationship with James can be tense..."

"You could say that about anyone here." Ritual dismisses quickly. She flashes a USB from her pocket. "Please, take this."

"What is this about, Kámámê?" Harry eyes it curiously as she places it into his palm.

"I may have done what you assigned me to... But I'd like to do it right." She clears her throat. Inside of the folder she brandishes was a detailed report showcasing each of the men's evaluations, their strengths and weaknesses, their pride and insecurities, their pasts and hopes for their futures. Harry followed faithfully along the words, of which she could recall the hours of memories behind each.

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