3.1K 42 11

1k????!!!! What even are this?! Like I knew I was good but damn! Okay I'm kidding but really, is this real life? I know 1k isn't that big for some people but you know what?!? FUCK THEM that's what, this stated out so small and like oh just another Karkat x reader nothing big, but look at this shit!

No really this was really small and shity at first, if your writing a fic and all like 'ugh no ones reading et' than fuck no one cause that's not his real name. (odesious) but back on track here, I started out with only 8 reads and I was a happy little fuck but damn look at me now! Okay don't look, I'm a bit shy.....i can feel you staring at me....*quite velociraptor noises*

I believe in you and your lovely what ever, this lovely what ever includes all sorts of art. Art like: drawings, paintings, books, oneshots, small fics, dance, drama, singing. I believe you can do it so stay happy and keep reading cause when I said end I was horribly wrong......there will be so many flash backs.....so many.

If you read this your amazballs if you didn't you still are but you'll just never know it..sorry. Stay smiling, PQ out ;P

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