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Bleagh this chapter is so gonna suck. (Your welcome talya)

Karkat POV

I awake to see [y/n] cuddling next to me. She looked so cute with her [f/c] pajamas on. We've been having a steady relationship for about a year now. She keeps saying that on earth its romantic when guys propose. I've been thinking about it and she keeps saying you need a ring, shes showed me videos about it.

I plan on going to dinner with her and when she says something along the line of romance I am going to get on one knee and propose. Er well that's how I think it's done. Meh whatever she keeps saying marriage is like when two people promise to stay together forever and I know how long forever is, it's a long time.

I watch as her eyes lids start to flutter open. She looks up at me and smiles, she snuggles her face into my chest and yawns. "Morning beautiful" I say looking up at my ceiling.

"Mornin" she says in a grogy voice, she might be cute but she still needs her coffee in the mornings. I sigh and get up putting her face on the pillow, she rolls over and snuggles into the blanket.

She is so cute, but I need to get her coffee or else. I keep myself on the task until I get downstairs and see gamzee sitting on my couch.....naked.

"Uh gamz what are you doing here?" I ask trying to keep my cool. "brotha I'm just chillin, I was waiting for you actually." I sigh and take the closest blanket and throw it on top of his bulge.

"Bro, you need to get some clothes on, [y/n] is upstairs and I definitely don't want her seeing your........bulge." I say preparing her coffee.

"The only close I got are here brother, they are in your room. I sure as hell don't want [y/n] seein my fuckin miracle. Can you get it for me brotha?" He said in a relaxed voice.

I sighed and finished [y/n]s coffee, she's so needy.....but I love her anyways. Gamzee on the other hand not so much.

I took the coffee upstairs and handed it to the waiting [y/n]. I quickly gathered Gamzees clothes and ran out of the room. I ran half way down the steps until Gamzee took the clothes from me.

Fuckin naked pervert needs to get out of my hive. I turned and walked back to my room and slipped into the covers of my 'bed'. [y/n] needed it to sleep, she bugged me for days.

"Karkles why is Gamz here?" She asks sipping her coffee. I sigh and think. he didn't really have a reason.

"I don't even know, but I did wanna ask you something." I said she looked at me and tilted her head. gog that's cute. "I wanna eat out tonight, fancy, so do you have any suggestions?" I ask thinking back to the ring. I can't wait to see her face.

She sighs. Oh Gog what did I say?! "I don't wanna do fancy, it's not that I don't like their food it's just I don't like the feeling of........royalty. Honestly I'd prefer a picnic or something cute. Something that would make me feel comfortable in my everyday clothes." she explains. I nod in agreement.

"I'll plan something for tomorrow then. I mean I can't just find the perfect picnic spot, or even a rooftop dinner. Anything for my love." I said that last part like I was fuckin royalty, and [y/n] laughed at this. gog she's so cute when she laughs.


I'm just gonna leave that there.........I'll put like the proposal in the next chapter, and possibly just maybe probably lemon??? Probs not tho :P my brain hurts Θ~Θ

Ok so looking back at my story I noticed the last chapter was all like "bish I ain't postin that whole chapta!! Chop chop motha fricka!!" And the ending of it is currently lost in space sorry o^o

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