not so smexy...yet ;)

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Argh this is gonna take longer than I expected, I know where I want this to go I just am working on how to get it there.

"[Y/n]" someone's calling you, you try to wake up but you just can't its to warm. Someone pulls a blanket off you, you growl and have no choice but to open your eyes.

"Whaaaaaat?" You growl. "Well, I just wanted to tell you that.......if you want to meet any more of my friends you can." He says, he seems like it wasn't his idea.

"Well, I mean you don't have to, I'm just putting ideas out there." He says nervously. "Just as long as you don't do anything stupid with anyone."

"Stupid how?" You ask, maybe if you ask enough question you'll irritate him enough, and he'll let you sleep."Well, don't become anyone's matesprite, or a kismesis." You look at him like he's from another planet. Oh wait he is.

------10 minutes later------

Karkat had explained allot of stuff, even stuff he hadn't mentioned like a tentabulge. That was an awkward topic though.

"So you wanna go?" He asks rubing the back of his neck. "Go where?" You ask raising an eye brow and tilting your head slightly.

He face palms, and shakes his head "my friend sollux is hosting a party, I wanted you to go." he says blushing his eyes widen a bit "I don't mean as my.....whats the human word a again? Oh my girlfriend I just wanted you to go and meet every one."

You burst into a deep blush, karkat sees this and looks down blushing as well.

"Ya I'll go with you." you say sitting up on the couch.

"Well its in an hour, I'd start getting ready if I were you." He said getting off the couch and walking towards the door. He stopped and turned and looked at you "I don't have any girl clothes but I do have jeans and sweaters so if you need any thing just tell me." He said and then walked out. A few minutes later you heard the shower start.

You look around for a bit, then you get up and move to the closet. You search for clothes that you wouldn't mind being seen in. Does he have anything other than sweaters? You guess a sweater will have to do.

After you get changed you walk around his room. You look on his computer, he has pesterchum open. You look at what it says, blah blah blah somethin about going to a party blah blah female human blah blah blah is that your date kk, bla- wait what? You look back at the messages, it says something about is that your date, no..... well I wouldn't mind it.... but she wouldn't say so. Omg does karkat like you?

"HEY GET OFF MY COMPUTER!" Karkat storms in angrily, he is dripping wet and only has a towel on. You start to blush, hard. He shove you out of the way of his computer and logs off pester chum, blushing I might add.

You look down at the floor "sorry for snooping, its just I was curious ya know?" You say trying to get him to forgive you, but instead he just asks you to get out.

Waiting patiently by the door just wasn't your thing, you walk around and you look into rooms. You open one closet door and buckets just start flowing. "OH GOD WHAT WAS THAT?" karkat yells, what if he finds you, what do you do?!

He quickly opens the door to find you under a pile of buckets. He turns a deep red. He picks you up from the pile and carries you into his room. He slams the door and you hear shuffling and a door closing.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." He says in an angry tone, but his face says sorry. "Why are you apologizing?" You have no clue why's he's blushing, it makes no sense.

"I-Id rather explain later" he says looking down at the floor.

Argh so I wanted to make this longer but my friend told me to post it how it is. Le sign. Mmk bye ;)

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