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So I just wanted to get all this written down quickly but that won't work so ha ha ha.....ha.....ugh
------Karkat POV------
The drive to sollux's hive was long and boring and really really awkward, I just couldn't get past the fact that [y/n] found all your pails. I mean shit come on I should have locked it. I can't tell her what their for, she'll think its gross I have so many, I even think its gross I have so many.
"Hey, [y/n], they are going to wanna play some games so if you have any in mind could you help me out. Well I already asked jade and she said spin the bottle, whatever that is."
[Y/n] starts blushing. Oh god did I say something, I bet I said something. I look back at the road to see you almost pass it. I make a sharp left turn making [y/n] hit her head on the window.
She whimpers in pain, which kinda turns me on. I feel my face burn, I really shouldn't be thinking about that. Sometimes at night I just watch her sleep, I think she knows though. I stop the car and get out and make my way to he door, shes following close behind. She beats me to the door, apparently its rude to bang on their door.
"Is that karkat?" I hear eridan say. Sollux opens the door. "Yeah iit'2 karkat." He shouts. "Wwhale it didn't sound like it, wwhy didn't you bang on the door like usual"he asks. I roll my eyes and grab [y/n]
hand and enter his hive. She clings closely to me, she seems scared.
"Hey karkat who's your friend?" Eridan says eying her up and down. "Not yours." I reply, come on this guys should know by now that no one wants to be in a quadrant with him. He scowls and walks toward the couch.
"Hey you want 2ome food?" Sollux says to
[Y/n] she starts blushing and hugs me for comfort. Sollux looks at me confused, I shrug and question it to.
I pick her up and carry her toward the couch and set her next to nepeta. "Hey look this is my friend nepeta, she's nice and she likes cats I'm gonna go get some food, I'll be right back." I say looking at her silently telling her nepeta is a nice girl.
------your POV------
Karkat stares you down, he wants you to socialize. "Hey nepeta I'm [y/n] and I hope you don't mind my asking but how old is karkat?" You ask, he seems to be around 19 or 18 but you want to be sure.
"He is....hmm how old is karkitty?" She says humming to herself. "Ahh he is 9 and a half sweeps old." She says playing with a ball of yarn.
"Sweeps?" You ask looking at her, she is so indulged in her yarn that she didn't hear you.
"Swweeps are twwo human years, so in your wwords karkat wwould be....19 years old." Eridan says looking into space.
"Where's Gamzee?" You ask for the only troll you know and like besides karkat. Eridan motions towards another room.
You stand to go find Gamzee but karkat sits you back down and hands you a plate of pizza. "Are you and nepeta getting along [y/n]?" You nod and nibble your pizza.
Gamzee walks out of the room and gets in the middle of the room, he sits. "Mother fuckers let's play a game."
"What kinda game?" Some one calls, she sounded proper and classy.
"A mother fuckin miracle game sis." He replies. "Now sit down mother fuckers."
Karkat drags you away from your pizza and into the circle, you count twelve trolls in all. "Its a human game called truth or dare and basicly you motha fucking pick some one and you say truth or d- ya know what me and [y/n] will be an example."
He points to you "Gamzee truth or dare?" You ask raising an eyebrow.
"Dare!" He says mercilessly
-----Karkat POV------
The drive to sollux's hive was long and boring and really really awkward, I just couldn't get past the fact that [y/n] found all your pails. I mean shit come on I should have locked it. I can't tell her what their for, she'll think its gross I have so many, I even think its gross I have so many.
"Hey, [y/n], they are going to wanna play some games so if you have any in mind could you help me out. Well I already asked jade and she said spin the bottle, whatever that is."
[Y/n] starts blushing. Oh god did I say something, I bet I said something. I look back at the road to see i almost pass his hive. I make a sharp left turn making [y/n] hit her head on the window.
She whimpers in pain, which kinda turns me on. I feel my face burn, I really shouldn't be thinking about that. Sometimes at night I just watch her sleep, I think she knows though. I stop the car and get out and make my way to he door, shes following close behind. She beats me to the door, apparently its rude to bang on their door.
"Is that karkat?" I hear eridan say. Sollux opens the door. "Yeah iit'2 karkat." He shouts. "Wwhale it didn't sound like it, wwhy didn't you bang on the door like usual"he asks. I roll my eyes and grab [y/n]
hand and enter his hive. She clings closely to me, she seems scared.
"Hey karkat who's your friend?" Eridan says eying her up and down. "Not yours." I reply, come on this guys should know by now that no one wants to be in a quadrant with him. He scowls and walks toward the couch.
"Hey you want 2ome food?" Sollux says to
[Y/n] she starts blushing and hugs me for comfort. Sollux looks at me confused, I shrug and question it to.
I pick her up and carry her toward the couch and set her next to nepeta. "Hey look this is my friend nepeta, she's nice and she likes cats I'm gonna go get some food, I'll be right back." I say looking at her silently telling her nepeta is a nice girl.
------your POV------
Karkat stares you down, he wants you to socialize. "Hey nepeta I'm [y/n] and I hope you don't mind my asking but how old is karkat?" You ask, he seems to be around 19 or 18 but you want to be sure.
"He is....hmm how old is karkitty?" She says humming to herself. "Ahh he is 9 and a half sweeps old." She says playing with a ball of yarn.
"Sweeps?" You ask looking at her, she is so indulged in her yarn that she didn't hear you.
"Swweeps are twwo human years, so in your wwords karkat wwould be....19 years old." Eridan says looking into space.
"Where's Gamzee?" You ask for the only troll you know and like besides karkat. Eridan motions towards another room.
You stand to go find Gamzee but karkat sits you back down and hands you a plate of pizza. "Are you and nepeta getting along [y/n]?" You nod and nibble your pizza.
Gamzee walks out of the room and gets in the middle of the room, he sits. "Mother fuckers let's play a game."
"What kinda game?" Some one calls, she sounded proper and classy.
"A mother fuckin miracle game sis." He replies. "Now sit down mother fuckers."
Karkat drags you away from your pizza and into the circle, you count twelve trolls in all. "Its a human game called truth or dare and basicly you motha fucking pick some one and you say truth or d- ya know what me and [y/n] will be an example."
He points to you "Gamzee truth or dare?" You ask raising an eyebrow.
"Dare!" He says mercilessly
"I date you to have 7 minutes in heaven with.....Eridan." You say, they eridan sound like a bad person so perfect dare. You mentally self high five.
Gamzee looks at you confused. You sigh, "seven minutes in heaven is where you spend seven minutes in a closet with someone and you guys kiss and shit." you say looking at Gamzee, he looks like he understands.
"Well since this was the example round I don't have to do it." He says proudly.
"If I said truth I would have to answer a question truthfully. Well since [y/n] knows none here let's all introduce ourselves."
"I'm aradia that's tavros, sollux, your boyfriend, nepeta, kanaya, terezi, vriska, equius, Gamzee, edidan, and feferi. Can we play now?" She asks in a dull tone.
"I wanna go first!" Says feferi, she seems excited like really excited.
"Ok you can go first fef." Gamzee replied in a bone chilling voice. Sometimes that dude just creeped you out.
"Nepeta, truth or dare."
"Who's your favorite ship?"
"Karkat x nepeta" she said looking down blushing a bright green, you thought this was odd but then again they are aliens.
After a few rounds of this everyone got bored of it. "Anyone know some more human games?" Gamzee asked looking around.
"I asked jade and she said spin the bottle." Karkat said looking at men for help.
"Spin the bottle is where you take a bottle and you spin it and whoever it lands on you have to kiss them." You say blushing blushing the whole time.
Aradia goes first and she has to kiss equius, them sollux goes and he has to kiss eridan. Blah blah blah, you wait until its your turn or until someone lands on you.
Its karkats turn he spins it and it almost lands on nepeta but it turns to you instead.
He leans in, grabs the side of your face and his lips touch yours. For a moment your surprised but you then share a passionate kiss. You pull away blushing like crazy, karkat us to.
A few hours pass and you can't stop thinking about karkats lips on yours, and how you longed for more. You start to pass out on solluxs couch but you feel someone grab your hand and walks you outside you know it's karkat just by the touch and once sollux closes the door he grabs your face and kisses you his tongue brushes your bottom lip and you let him in. He explores his new territory and a few perfect seconds later he pulls away and gets into his car.
"What was that about?" You ask getting in the car. "I uhhh....wanted to see if something would work, it did."
You sigh and fall back into the car seat. Slowly but surely you fall asleep.

Blargh why did this take so long?!
I'll try to post more today after all I'm sick and staying home XD might as well put it to good use

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