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I don't know what to do here, this is just going to be something I thought of a few days ago. also comment what you'd like to read because I can take requests.


your POV

Karkat said he had something planned and it would be 'romantic' but knowing him so well you guessed it would be some stupid movie night with half naked cuddles. He told you specifically to meet him back at home at 10:45. Right now you were shopping with Rose, she and Kanaya have been 'secretly' dating and you knew about it. You and....well let's see here...everyone. She just likes to think it's secret

It's 9:56 right now so about an hour to go, you kept telling yourself just a little longer [y/n], just a little longer and you believed it would just be a little longer.

"Hey, [y/n], wanna go to my place until Karkat needs you?" Rose asked guiding you towards the exit. You followed and kept walking behind her until she asked again "Well?"

"I uh sorry, yeah sure" You said clearing your head of what might come(karkat will), wink wink.

We arrive at her house and I just wait around for about an hour while she reads, lame. well at least the book she's reading is lame....nvm.

"[y/n] it's time to go, here's your stuff you need." She says handing you a bag with a grey dress in it, its has a silver hem and the back is open. She tells you that you need to wear it for karkat.


I'm really super sorry. I like totally suck omg, i stopped being big into the homestuck fandom a while ago. So when I was no longer interested writing about it became SO hard!! I tried, sort of. I can't even finish this chapter. BUT I'm going to publish the rough drafts and unfinished chapters that I've been sitting omg for a while for both of the stories I wrote. I'm really sorry but hey if you liked the writing maybe check out the new chapter I published for a new story? just a thought.

Again,, very sorry, 

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