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The radio is silent on your drive to the location that will be known as your home for the next few months.
You stare out the window, feeling your thoughts escape your head, running rampant on the streets you drive on.

You're empty. Completely.

"Hey, you wanna listen to some music?" You nod, your mind absent from the situation. "Okay, well- the only C.D I have at this very second is a sort of underground band... you alright with that?" He asks, trying to soft talk his way in.

"That's fine. I'm not a child, stop treating me like one." He grunted in response and slipped the DvD in, his fingers guiding the disc.

The 1975 started playing. You lost it. A loud laugh erupted from you, shocking him causing his to body convulse.

"What the hell was that?" He asks, taken aback.

"Underground? Bro I can name, like, twelve people who know this band and that's from listening to it with them." He hums in response, obviously annoyed that you'll be living together.

This will be one long ass car ride.


He pulls into a gas station, you practically squeak at how hard he stops the car. "Go pee, get snacks, come back." He mumbles to you, stopping the engine and getting out to fill up the tank.

"...okay? Would you like anything?"

"Uh, I don't know." He ponders. You don't have the patience for this man. "How about... Corn-nuts?" You grimace but nod. Out of everything, he gets Corn-nuts? Who is he? Heather Chandler? You walk in and head straight to the bathroom ahead. As you're washing your hands a young woman walks in and flashes you a smile. She's gorgeous. You quickly walk out, knowing you don't look your best- I mean hell it's a car trip, who looks that good?

You grab his godforsaken Corn-nuts and some pretzels. You grab a Monster and some water bottles on your way to the register. It was a quick pay, some small talk. 'Where you going,' 'Wish i was going there,' etc. William nearly explodes when you hand him his fuckin' Corn-nuts. Out of excitement, of course. You get back in the car and push the seat back, letting my eyes slowly drift close.


His hands wrap around my waist, which is covered in a dark green silk. It's tailored to fit me, the valentine neckline, the tightness around the waist, the flare as the dress falls, the opening up my leg. It's all tailored for me. I gaze up from my appearance, noticing the suit. The owner of which pulls me in, grabbing my left hand to lead me around in a classic dance. I scan his suit, his thumb distracting me by rubbing up my side in the slightest possible way. The suit- it's no name brand, but it's nice nonetheless. The black slacks perfectly matching his leg length, barely floating above his dress shoes. I force my eyes upward, to look at the rest of the mystery man who holds me tight. His hand moving to intertwine our fingers, replacing our previous closed hold. His metal rings cold against my own fingers, I can feel every inch of him against me. I catch his pocket, a handkerchief the same color as my gown popping out of it. The suit indents at his waist, flaring up around the shoulders. I run my eyes down his arm, looking at our intertwined hands, his warm battling my cold. I get the courage to meet his gaze.


He chuckles, glancing down at our feet to keep them lined up.

"You seemed to enjoy the view." He meets my eyes again. You snicker.

"How couldn't I?" What? What were you on about?

"I could say the same about you. That goddamn dress." He intakes a breath. What in fucks good name is he on?

Your eyes stay locked. You're searching his for an answer. He doesn't give one, just looking at you with pure love, lust maybe- you couldn't tell. He leans in, stopping the dance to push your hips against his own, lowering his neck to meet your lips. Inches, now centimeters apart. You jolt awake.

"What on God's green earth was that?!" He says, fear enveloped in his words.

"Scary fuckin' dream, sorry." You run your hands through your hair.

"It's... fine. Care to share? I mean, sharing is caring after all." He says with a grin.

"Nope. That one I'm taking to the grave." This earns a hardy laugh from the boy next to you. "How much longer?"

"A few hours. Watch a few movies, maybe three and we'll be there."

"Mm." You hum in response. Strange ass dream.

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