Chapter 17: Birthday Dinner

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My heart leaps when I look at the gorgeous dress I got for tonight's dinner. I almost feel like a princess.

When I've maneuvered out of the white and black dress, I put on some shorts and a t-shirt. And after much consideration, I decide to call Ruby so we can go out.

* * *

I pull up to Ruby's place in my red Viper with music playing in the background. I tap my steering wheel in rhythm with the music, waiting for Ruby to get out. She finally walks out of her parent's house. Her eyes bulge at the site of my red Viper.


She runs to the car with more enthusiasm then I've seen in a while. "What. The heck." She breaths out as she examines the interior of my overly expensive car. "Yeah, control freak insisted."

"You mean Sebastian?" I groan. "Don't say his name, it distracts me." Ruby chuckles and buckles up before we drive off. "So, where do you want to go?" Ruby asks me as she searches the different stations. The tension in me keeps building and building. I have to tell her. "Ruby...." She immediately senses my worry. "Aurora? What's going on? Is it Sebastian?" She gasps. "Did he force you to..."

I gasp and blush. "No! Ruby! I-- I wasn't talking about Mr. Strong." The silence comes back again. "Aurora..." She hesitates. "Is it your dad?"

"He's not my dad." I stated firmly before driving off forcefully. "And-- yes.... He uh-- he contacted me." Ruby gasped as I released the steering wheel with one hand and dug out my phone. Hesitantly, I hand the phone over so she can check the message. I wait for a reaction. It never came. "Please say something..." I look over to Ruby to find her dialing a number. "What are you doing?"

"I'm calling your boss."

"What!" I screech, reaching over to grab my phone. "Ruby, you can't! Please, Ruby. He'll fire me. I know it." Ruby looks at me before turning the phone off. "Okay, but you have to make sure to carry a gun or something." I scoff. And look in the rear view mirror. "I don't have to. My bodyguards do." Ruby looks behind my car and sees the large black SUV pursuing us closely.

"Bodyguards?" Ruby's expression is worth million Vipers. I nod my head. "You have a bodyguard?" I hold up two fingers, silently clarifying. "Are they hot?" I scoff and think of their faces. Brown hair, blue eyes, yeah, Asher's pretty good looking. Rocco? Older, scar across his cheek, peppered hair, but incredibly muscular. Yeah, I'd say their both pretty handsome. "If you like bodyguards."

Ruby giggles. "I wonder if their single."

"No, Ruby. Don't even think about. These are my bodyguards, not your future boyfriends."

"Beside..." I snicker.

"Don't think Rocco is your type." My mind immediately goes to the message, my dad, the man who ruined my life.

* * *

I wait patiently as Rose and one other maid do my makeup. "I could have done this myself, Rose. You didn't have to." I hear Rose's soft chuckle. "But I like doing makeup and it's no bother. Besides, you're so perfect in that dress, I don't want you getting anything on it." I see her point, considering my clumsiness due to my anxious state at the moment.

When I'm finished, I take deep breaths and walk outside to find a limo waiting outside. Asher and Rocco stand behind me as Bruce stands tall, holding the limo door open. Mr. Strong sits inside, with Tina. I walk over, nervously. "Good evening, Aurora."

"Good evening, Mr. Strong. And happy early birthday." He chuckles and moves over slightly so I can sit down. "You look lovely tonight. As always." My heart hitches as he examines my black and white dress. I look over to Tina and see her maroon-purple dress that's made of loose material so it hugs her curves. Her blonde hair is done perfectly, while mine is half up, half down with curls filling in the gaps. I eye the beautiful, extravagant diamond necklace around Tina's neck. "Hello, Miss. Davidson." She only plasters a smile on her face momentarily before letting it drop dramatically.

I clutch my small purse for support as my heart pumps rapidly.

"Darling... What are you going to be for the costume masquerade in a few months?" Tina places a hand on Mr. Strong's leg. "Well-- I was thinking a man... But then I thought... Maybe I should honor our ancestors and be a monkey." I snicker under my breath and feel the couple's eyes shoot to me. Amusement is clear in Mr. Strong's eyes. Tina is greatly disdainful as she glares at me. "Well, maybe you should go as the brilliant man you are." Tina states, trying peel Mr. Strong's eyes away from somewhere outside my window by stroking his cheek and run her hand against his thigh. "Sebastian..." Until I realize... "...Sebastian what are you looking at?" ... He was staring at me.

My blush is hotter and more fiery then ever. Then all at once, as I look to him, I see something in his eyes, something that mirrors my own feelings. "Sebastian..." Tina's voice is drowned out by his deep, blue eyes. "Sebastian answer me..." I see a gentle spirit behind a hard working man. "That's it..." I see a tender need to care for the broken in his eyes. "Look were almost here, Darling." But I also see a lion ready to protect what's his.

"We're here, Mr. Strong." Bruce says from the front of the limo.

I gasp softly in shock, breaking our dazed glance at each other. Bruce opens the door to the large, spacious limo as I gather as much of my dress's material in one hand, excepting Asher's outstretched hand with the other. "Thank you." I whisper gently to Asher. "You're welcome, ma'am." I turn to Bruce and tip toe to his ear, earning a glare from Mr. Strong. "Are the lights dimmed in the restaurant?" I inquire. Bruce looks to me and nods, a hint of confusion in his eyes but also a fatherly tenderness. He must be married. Maybe a child or two, I just hope he's a better father then Warrent. "Thank you." I smile reassuringly to him before joining Mr. Strong and Tina, who is hanging on Mr. Strong, claiming her territory from passing women. As we walk away from the limo, Mr. Strong gives Bruce a hard glare and turns to speak to him. Bruce's face looks like a lost puppy who was just kicked out of the house. "I understand, Sir."

My heart aches for Bruce as we enter the restaurant. I'm sorry, Bruce. I'm instantly blown away as I examine the room. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceilings about two yards away from each other.

There are about six in two columns of three in each room. The walls are a dark maroon. The table cloths all have a beautiful pattern on them with the same maroon and bronze color that seems to be the color scheme of the room. The lights are dimmed low as we walk to a small podium that a young man stands behind. "Good evening, Mr. Strong. Your private room is ready whenever you are, Sir." Mr. Strong only nods and the waiter understands. "Are we the first ones, Sebastian?" Tina drapes her arm around Mr. Strong's as we are led to our extensive, circular table in the center of the private room. 'Oh, you get to sit with the important people.' Shut up. They probably just haven't gotten to telling me to move yet. I walk over to one of the side tables away from the center table. "Aurora." I hear my name on Mr. Strong's lips and I practically melt.


Shut up!

I turn and look to him. "We've reserved your seat with my close family in the center table." My mouth practically hangs open. "Me?" I'm so tempted to look around to see if there is another Aurora in the room. But I refrain from it and start to walk to the center table. I'm about to sit a few seats away from Mr. Strong, until...

"Are you deliberately trying to get away from me, Miss. LaRue?" I see the humor dancing in his eyes and I curse myself for blushing again. "No... I just... I don't want to impose." I get up once again and walk over to the seat directly next to Mr. Strong. I feel his heat radiate on to my bare arm and I'm compelled to lean against him and close my eyes, but I don't.

This is going to be a long night.

I hope.

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