Chapter 6: Santiago vs. Brad

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        Santiago and I have been fittling and banging at his car for a whole hour. Until I finally decide to sit on the roof, desperate to hide the back of my legs. But no matter how anxious I am about my legs, I keep watch of him as he does his magic that he claims he's done before. "Agh!" Santiago starts shouting mindless words in Spanish as he whips his hand back and forth as he groans in pain. He wipes his hand on his shirt and I see a red streak across the tinted shirt. "Santiago, you're bleeding." I jump off the roof of the car and run over to him, forgetting about my legs for seconds before I grab a towel and cover the back of them until I get to him. I grab a towel thrown on the floor of his parent's long, ornate drive way. Grabbing his hand I squeeze with the two ends of the towel. "Keep pressure on it." Santiago heeds my words and presses the wound hard with the towel. I turn around and open the hood of the car with a pop. I rummage around and flick this switch and pull that plug until I step back and climb into the driver's seat. Watch your legs. He might see the scars. I turn the key and pray that it works. It stalls once. It stalls twice. Until the third time the engine purrs with satisfaction as it comes to life once more. Hah! I actually did it! Daddy would be so proud.

        I peak my head out from the driver's seat to Santiago. He's smiling and shaking his head in disbelief, still holding his hand close to his body. "Good going, Aurora." I smile shyly and get out of the beautiful jet black car. He leads me back into the beautiful house after going through and dodging hallway after hallway and door after door. When we finally get into the kitchen, Ruby and Mrs. McGilde are washing the dishes and making jokes. They both turn as they laugh and Mrs. McGilde is the first to notice Santiago's wounded hand. She starts warbling things in Spanish as she drags the poor boy off to help him. I almost feel bad for him. But my mind switches to Ruby and anger immediately settles in. "Please tell me you're not setting me up with your brother, Ruby." Ruby slams a dish down and walks over to me. "It was not my idea. Okay? My mom saw you at graduation and fell in love with you." I blush endlessly as I look down at my hands. My anger has now turned to embarrassment. "Ruby, he's a nice guy, and all, but I could never think about dating him." I shrug apologetically to Ruby. She laughs, a little too loudly. "You think I don't know that? I have to live with the guy. He's so oblivious when it comes to girls. You can show up to his house in a bikini and he'll comment on the smudge of peanut butter on your cheek." I smirk at the comment. "It would take a heck of a girl to turn his head, trust me."

        I blush. See, I'm not that special. My mind switches for an instant to the comment Mr. Strong made in his email to me. I hear Mrs. McGilde warbling and ranting on about being more careful as Santiago comes out into the kitchen with only jeans on. He's unfolding a wrinkled, creased, white t-shirt as he walks out. Ruby turns to me and gives me an my-case-closed look. Mrs. McGilde walks out into the kitchen still raving at Santiago as he rolls his eyes and starts putting his shirt on. My cheeks starting turning crimson as I look down at my hands and move behind Ruby. "Alright, Mama! I get it! I'll be careful next time. Relax!" Mrs. McGilde starts muttering things under her breath as she continues on the dishes. Santiago walks over to Ruby and rolls his eyes. "I'm still a twelve year old." I giggle silently at Santiago. "Well, this is the, like, tenth time you've cut yourself while working on that car." Ruby puts a fist on her hip and tilts her head to one side. Santiago puts out his hand, which is now snuggled in at least ten layers of bandage, a phone laying on top of the bandages. Over protective mothers are better than dead mothers. "Hey, Aurora. I'm going over to the bar with Ruby and a few of my friends. You wanna come?" I turn to Ruby and wish I could just shrink down to the size of ant and run away. "Umm... I don't...." Ruby steps next to me and puts an arm around my shoulder. "She would love to come." I look at Ruby as she looks to her brother with a broad smile. "Great! I'll tell them to get an extra beer." Santiago turns with his phone in his hand and starts dialing a number. I jab Ruby. Hard. "Ow!" I scowl at her. "What are you doing?"

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