Chapter 24: Family

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My relentless embrace keeps Coral glued to one spot. Her hold on me is just as tight.

"I can't believe it's you." I sob out, tears streaming down my face, but this time, they're tears of joy. "I know... I saw in the newspaper about a new secretary, Aurora LaRue, for the famous Sebastian Strong and..... I just knew it was you." She grips me tighter and I whimper in pain from the bruises that stain my body.

She lets me go and examines me closely for the first time. Worry and fear plagues her eyes as she sees the bruise on my face and the cuts on my arms.

"Oh my god! Aurora, who did this..." She stops suddenly. "Warrent." She states breathlessly. There was silence and for the first time in years, someone understands the pain I've endured. "Aurora, I... I--- I'm so sorry." She starts sobbing as she grips me again in a tight hug. "For what?" I ask breathlessly as my little sister mourns her past.

"For ever leaving. It must have been hell being with Warrent for so long. It's a miracle that you're still alive." I look back to the beating I'd gotten when Coral and Lilac left.

Tears return to my eyes. "Coral..." I sniffle and put my hand against Coral's cheek, stroking away the tears that stain her face. "If I ever came upon the same situation... I wouldn't think twice before protecting my little sisters before me." She starts crying again and throws her arms around my neck.

We stand in silence for a few minutes before Coral speaks again. "Tell me everything on the way home." She says softly into my robe as she pulls away and grabs my arm.

"Home?" I ask as I resist her pull on my arm. "Yes, you're coming home with me. Now come on." I don't argue as I leave the old, empty house again and drive home.

As we drive, I tell her everything. Middle school, high school, college, and my new job with... him. Then came the terrible story of Warrent coming back.

By the end, I was in tears and Coral was on the verge of tears. "Oh, Aurora...I.... I don't know to say. I'm so sorry." I close my eyes and take deep breaths. "Are you sure he didn't just need time to think?"

"Coral, what man has ever said that and has actually come back?" I await her answer as I lay my head back and close my eyes. "Well, all I know is... he doesn't know what he's lost." I smile and turn my head towards her. "I'm so glad you're back, Coral."

She gives me a knowing smile and looks back to the road. "What?" My interest is piqued as I see her smile. "What is it?"

"Guess who's at home?" I furrow my brow as I search through my mind who could be there. I gasp. "Lilac?" I screech out. Coral giggles and squeals again. "She's going to flip when she sees you." I laugh with excitement, but it soon dissipates into a worried, anxious look of regret. 'Maybe he does love us. Maybe we should go back.'

Well, we have to go back. I have a job and a contract for another fifteen months. I sigh and curl up in the car seat and fall asleep, hoping some rest will clear my mind.

* * *

I dream of my family. My wonderful mother, my strong, funny father, and my sweet innocent sisters. They all look so peaceful. But I turn around for one moment, and when I do, I see the remains of a car crash.


I scream in my head as I rush over, knowing my mother had this same fate, but when I look in the car, I don't see Mama, I see Sebastian. I gasp and scream.


"Aurora, Aurora, wake up. It's alright. I'm right here. It's okay."

"Sebastian!" I yell as everything soon starts to disappear into most. And I wake up to Coral's sweet, coaxing words. "Sebastian...." I whisper softly.

"I have something for you." She takes out a newspaper and hands it to me. "Something to keep your mind off... you know... him." I sigh and take the newspaper. "Thanks, Coral." I smile and hold her hand tightly before letting it go.

After she leaves, I start to read about the 'fantastic new event coming up'. 'The costume ball that the Strong's are holding.' I scoff. No way I'm going to that. 'What? Why?' Because we weren't invited, not anymore at least. 'Uh, yes you were.' I sigh, frustrated with the argument I'm having with myself. 'I say, you go there, knock Strong off his feet, make him jealous, and...' I gasp at the thought. No way! No, no, no. Not happening. 'Oh come on! Please?'

I ponder the thought. It would be nice to see him again. I sigh and cross my arms, pouting. "Fine, we'll go." I can't help but feel excited. I'm going to see him again!

Suddenly the door to my room bursts open and in jumps an exuberant young lady about sixteen. Brown hair, green eyes, and a broad smile. She starts moving her hands in a certain pattern. "Lilac!" I screech, before I jump up, pain in my body but joy and happiness in my heart. "I can't believe it's you!" She starts moving her hands again. "Coral! I don't know sign language!" Soon, Coral comes walking in and starts to look to Lilac. Coral giggles. "She says she wants to go shopping with you and play a board game afterward." She starts to read the hand motions again. "She says she can't believe she has another sister to play with now." I laugh and open my arms up for Lilac to come into. A tight hold shows my love for my new little sister.

"I missed you." Coral taps Lilac's shoulder and signs my sentence to her. Lilac looks back to me and signs to me with a tear in her eyes. "She says..." Coral sheds a tear. "She missed you more." I laugh before my voice cracks from the tears in my eyes.

I sign back to her. I missed you most. Lilac gives no warning as she jumps into my arms again. I hold her, taking in every detail on her. She looks just like Mom. I start to cry as I call Coral over too. We finish with a tight group hug. "I have the perfect way to get to know each other." Lilac and Coral pull away and Coral signs my phrases to Lilac. "There's a costume ball coming up and... I was wondering if you'd like to come with me." I look to Coral, who is barely containing her excitement. Lilac, once the signs sink in, starts to jump up and down, clapping her hands.

I simply laugh. I guess we're going dress shopping today.

* * *

Our dresses are perfect and both my sisters are all too happy to have their older sister back. I taught Lilac how to use make up for the first time and Coral is cooking dinner, teaching me a few things along the way, dinar I used to be Queen of Take Out. All the workers from BurgerVille knew me all too well.

I kept my promise with Lilac and am playing monopoly with her. She's good. I'm usually the queen at this too, I guess I've met my match, and I made a point of telling Lilac too.

As the days pass by, I pick up some sign language, while other times Lilac sits me down and teaches me face to face. If I don't know what she's saying, she either writes it down or I ask Coral.

All in all, I'm happy to have my family back. And my diva can't wait to show him what he's lost while he was "thinking."

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