Chapter 21: Beaten Love

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I open the doors to Mr. Strong's mansion. I step in and see the darkness that covers the house and I know Rose is asleep.

Asher and Rocco follow close behind me and wait outside my door as I enter. But before I close the doors, I turn to Asher and Rocco, remembering my father's words.

"Guys, thanks for wanting to protect me, but... I think I've got it from here." They both stand motionless and stoic in front of me. I sigh and shrug my shoulders.


I don't seem disappointed on the outside, but on the inside, my father is wreaking havoc on my mind and heart. I close the doors behind me and fall into my bed.

Until I hear a menacing chuckle from the dark corners of my room. "Hello Aurora."

His voice is raspy and I suddenly come to realize the scent of whiskey and cigarette smoke in my room. I stay motionless and close my eyes shut, humoring the belief that of I can't see him, he can't see me.

"What is it Aurora?" He throws his glass of whiskey on the floor. "Did you really think I'd let you go off and leave me, your own father, to rot?"

He's towering above me as I stay frozen on my bed, supporting myself with my arm.

He stretches an arm out towards me. I shield my face with my arms and hide my face from his strike. But I feel no blow to my body.

"My, my, you're the spitting image of Emily. You look just like her." I look up to him and see tears seeping into his eyes. "That's why I hate you so much, you know. You remind me so much of her, I just can't stand to look at you."

Tears spill down my face; tears of sadness and tears of fear. He holds my jaw in his large hand. Then he throws it away from him and starts to walk away from me.

"Well..." He starts fiddling with his belt. My heart jumps in an attempt to leap out of my chest.

"We'll just have to change that, won't we?" With that, hell once again erupts from the ground of the Earth and I'm grinding my teeth with pain as I feel him backhand my cheek so hard I'm thrown from my bed.

I screech softly with pain. He whips me once with the belt, and I feel the anger in every stripe he leaves on me. I sob into my hands as I stay in one spot and take the torment, knowing running was pointless.

"I loved her so much." He strikes me again. I squeal in pain. "I loved her more than any of you three parasites." He whips me again. But as he whips me, I start to feel an emotion I never thought I'd feel for him; pity.

He loved my mother. No, love couldn't begin to describe the love he had for her. Suddenly my tears of pain turned into tears of sadness and pity.

"I'm so sorry, Daddy." I sobbed, and the painful blows stop. "I... I l-l-loved her too." I whispered out through my sobs.

Suddenly my bedroom door swings open. Asher and Rocco are both now towering over my shaking figure on the floor.

I look around, but do not see my father anywhere in sight. "Is everything alright, ma'am?" Asher asks. I nod shakily. "Yes, I-I just... had a nightmare." Both their large stoic figures disappear behind my closed doors again.

I feel a cool breeze from my open window. When I run to it with pain in my aching body, I see a large, dark figure walking away from the house and across the street.

And the nightmare has only begun.

* * *

I walk into the building once again, but this time, I'm in more pain then usual. "Good morn... Oh..." Gloria sees the bruise on my cheek from my father's striking hand against my cheek the night before.

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