Chapter 9: Stranger Incounters

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        My whole body aches from being in a chair all day, barely ever getting up. I really should be sleeping right now, but I just can't sleep. Besides, it's only six. Until I heard a door bell ring. I look to my attire. A white t-shirt and black shorts. 'Heck no, I still have my pride, sweetheart. Get something on.' I grab my robe from my room and throw it around my body, checking if it covered my scars. "Coming, coming." I yell to the person at the door. I hear another loud bang that I'm guessing is a knock. I growl low enough so that no one can hear me but myself. The door bell rings one more time before I grab the knob and throw the door open, more than aggravated from the person's impatience, until I realize it's Ruby.

        "Oh, it's you." I turn back around, throwing off my robe and free falling back into my couch. "Wow, happy thanksgiving eve to you too. Thanks best friend. I miss you too." Ruby puts a fist on her hip and looks at me with displeasure from my introduction. "So," I look over to Ruby after her very unclear inquiry. "What you mean?"

        "I mean, how was your first day at work, silly." I groan and throw my head back. "Don't remind me." Ruby cringes. "That bad, huh?" I sigh and recall the day's events. "Well... I guess it wasn't that bad. I mean... I didn't get fired... or start a fire, for that matter." Ruby laughs as she walks through the hallway from my living room to my kitchen. "I don't have any food if that's what you're looking for."

        "Maybe you should come eat at my place tonight?"

        "I'm not in the mood tonight, Ruby."

        Then there was another ring at my door bell. "Ugh, who's that?" I grab my robe again and throw it on again. I open the door to see Brad shifting uncomfortably on my porch. "Brad?" He gives me an unsure smile. "Hey. I was uh-- I was wondering if you'd like to celebrate thanksgiving with me tonight." I smiled brightly at the thought of even Brad being shy to talk to someone. "I would love to."

        "Nope, don't mind me, Rora. I'm only your best friend who is here at the moment." I roll my eyes at Ruby's sarcastic interruption. "If you're busy, I can leave." Brad suggests. "No, no way." Let the guy in! I open the door and step aside. "Just give me five minutes and I'll be ready." Brad smiles broadly before stepping into my apartment. "Are we going to that cool bar and restaurant around the corner?"

        "Uh, actually... I thought you'd like to go somewhere a little more.... fancy tonight." I could hardly contain my excitement. I've never been to a fancy restaurant before! My family could never afford it. This is finally my chance. "And I have a... bit of a surprise for you. If you want it." Brad reaches to rub the back of his neck, disclosing his anxious state. "Really?" I couldn't help but be excited. Dinner and a present! This is too good to be true! I skip into my room when I'm sure Brad can't see me any more. Until I freeze. "Ruby, I don't have a dress." Ruby managed to find an apple in my empty refrigerator that she's munching on. "Sure you do. The one you wore to last year's Christmas party at school." She takes another obnoxiously loud bite of the red apple in her hands. I roll my eyes without even thinking about it. "But that shows my legs and my arms."

        "Wear those stockings you wore last time."

        "They ripped!" Now I'm really starting to worry. I can't suddenly push Brad out the door because I don't have a dress to wear. "Aurora." Uh-oh, she's got her mother face on. "They don't show. You don't even have to worry about them, okay. I promise." I slump down on my bed and think about the situation. 'Possibly pass up the only opportunity you have to ever find a guy crazy enough to like you, or try to hide something that he already knows about.' She's got a point. I sigh and get up. "Alright." Ruby shrieks in delight and jumps to the opportunity. "First, go get dressed, then I'll do your hair and make up."

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