Chapter 10: Unheard Emotions

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Mr. Strong and I had walked back to the table together to find his family whispering anxiously. "What happened, Sebastian? Is everything alright?"

"I think we should go." Tina gave me a terribly rude glare before getting up along with the couple that I assume is Tina's parents. "Sit down, Tina. We're not going anywhere." Power flowed from Mr. Strong's voice as he stared Tina down. "Of course, darling." Tina plastered a fake smile on her face as Sebastian called Edgar over to our table. "Yes, Mr. Strong. What may I do for you?"

"Miss LaRue's party would like to join mine. Can we please have a table for eight." He may have worded it as question, but it was a command, unmistakably. "Of course, Mr. Strong." Edgar bowed slightly before leaving for a moment, only to come back to lead us to our table. I sneaked a look to Mr. Strong. He was in his element; powerful, the center of attention, respected even. The world seemed to have no choice but to step aside for him to pass. He stood tall and strong, nothing could unsteady him. We were ushered over to another large, round table with an auburn table cloth. I felt a hand slip around my waist. I looked around and saw Brad walking beside me. I couldn't help but lean my head against his shoulder. I heard a man clear his throat with a deep grumble. I turned around and saw Mr. Strong look at the arm around my waist. Don't get your boss mad at you. My mind screamed at me. I placed a hand on Brad's and slipped it off my waist, keeping his hand in mine. He doesn't seem to notice the fact that I was trying to get his hand off me, thank goodness. "So, Aurora, is it?" I turn to my left to see Tina sprawled over Mr. Strong, claiming her territory. I only nod and smile gently. I look to Mr. Strong, when I notice him looking at me, I spin around and look forward. "I hope this table is to your liking, Mr. Strong."

"It is. Thank you, Edgar." Edgar made a shallow, shift bow before leaving us to sort out the seating. Brad sat next to me, next to me was Tina, then Mr. Strong. Then the parents of Tina and Mr. Strong. "Oh, Sebastian, I don't like being right under the air conditioning. Let's switch spots." Tine puts a hand on Mr. Strong's shoulder for support as she gets up. Mr. Strong holds in an exasperated sigh and gets up for Tina. When she takes her seat in the chair, Mr. Strong pushes the chair in for her. 'Quite the gentleman.' Shut up! No way! 'Yes, way. And you can't deny it.' My thoughts were brought to a screech when I realized Mr.Strong was now sitting next to me. His suit's soft material rubs against my semi-bare shoulder. I jump slightly at the contact on my sensitive skin. I feel Brad put his hand over mine. "You alright?" Mr. Strong turns to me with worry written lightly across his face at Brad's question. "Are you uncomfortable, Miss. LaRue?" I shake my head frantically and smile reassuringly, desperate to get the attention off of me. "I'm fine. Thank you." I glance at Tina and she gives me another milk curdling glare. I just look down at my menu and hope that I don't have to say anything else for the rest of the night. "So, Aurora, your last name doesn't happen to be Borealis, does it?" Tina's snide question rewarded her a glare from Mr. Strong. I lighten the mood and let out a soft chuckle. "No, I don't think I'm pretty enough to be an aurora borealis."

Tina scoffs. "Have you ever seen an aurora borealis? Sebastian and I went to the North Pole once. It was pretty draft and cold. If it weren't for this beautiful necklace Sebastian bought me there, I would have gotten out of there as fast as I could." She and her parents chuckle cruelly. I couldn't. I couldn't hold in the comment that I spilled out. "You would think having time with the love of your life would be reward enough." I roughly grab my water glass and bring it to my lips. As expected, my remark got me a shocked look from everyone at the table, except Sebastian's mother. She smiled to me as if she were thanking me silently. She had beautiful auburn hair, a little lighter than the dark auburn table cloths. She wore a beautiful suit and pencil skirt that I noticed when walking over to the new table. "Yes, well uh... of course I enjoyed Sebastian's company," she puts a manicured hand on Mr. Strong's arm. "but... well..." She didn't even bother ending her sentence. My eyes mindlessly traveled over to Mr. Strong. He's smiling the same, thankful smile that his mother was wearing. Right in time to break our intense stare, Edgar enters, ready to take orders. "Mr. Strong, do you know what you would be eating this evening?" Naturally, Edgar 'the brown-noser' would start off with Mr. Strong. "Mother, you order. I-- I'm not in the mood to order." Sebastian breaks his gaze with his beautiful mother and then returns his eyes back to me. I turn my head, not giving him the satisfaction of knowing his affect on me. But he doesn't relent. He continues staring at me, never looking away. I take my glass of water and gulp it down very unlady like, hoping it would disgust him enough to look away. I hear Mrs. Strong order in the back ground of my daze. "Is the wine not satisfactory, Miss. LaRue?" Mr. Strong's voice is soft and loving, so no one can hear him. It's as if he knows how much I hate attention. "I-- don't-- uh... drink." I stammer out. Thanks to my drunken, morning father. "That's a shame, you would really enough this wine. It's a specialty of mine. I get it every time I come here." I look at the wine sitting on the table. He gets this wine so much, Edgar knows exactly what he wants.

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