Chapter 25: Costume Ball

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The parent's mansion is bigger then Seb--that man's. 'You won't even say his name? Really?' My mouth must be just as wide open as Coral and Lilac's. "Lilac says it's the biggest house she's ever seen." I nod in response, my ability of speech still failing me. I look down at my dress. I can't help but love my costume.

I came as myself; an Aurora Borealis. My dress is floor length with the colors of an Aurora Borealis; green, blue, a little white, and aqua. It's strapless neckline makes me nervous even though scars from my recent encounter with Warrent have healed.

"Well, this is it." I whisper breathlessly as we join the masses as they walk from their cars to the front doors of the breathtaking mansion.

When we enter, we see the beautiful decorations of the house. Coral and Lilac laugh and giggle with excitement as they look around and admire the different ornate sections of the house until we come to a beautiful ballroom with hundreds of people chattering and buzzing with excitement. "Look, someone came as a deer." Coral points to a woman on the side. I laugh as I look the costume over.

Lilac signs to us. "Yeah, I see it. It's bunny." I laugh at the costume Lilac had pointed out. "I think yours is the best costume ever, Aurora. It's so smart." I only smile and look around.

'Where is he?' I groan and start looking for the alcoholic beverages. 'I need a drink.' I walk over to the table with Lilac and Coral talking and conversing with me. We finally get to the table and I see a red punch that looks really good. I laugh at one of Coral's comments on one of the woman's dresses.

"How does she fit everything in that dress?" Coral asks. I nearly choke on the punch that I'm drinking. "Coral..." As I chide her, I can't help but laugh.

Suddenly, Lilac comments about a very handsome man staring at us. I freeze and turn around quickly and surely enough, I see Sebastian staring at me. His eyes look over my dress and I'm overwhelmed by memories, miserable memories.

What was I thinking wanting to see him again? I need to get out of here.

"Excuse me." I push past my sisters and start walking vigorously towards the door to the hallway outside the ballroom. "Aurora." I hear his voice call me, my body comes alive at his voice, but I'm forced by my heart to keep walking. "Aurora, wait!" I get to the door successfully and walk out of the ballroom.

"You're not being fair, Aurora." I stop suddenly and spin around. "Not being fair?" I choke over the words as they come out. "You're the one that promised you wouldn't leave me and then completely.... abandoned me." I look down to the ground and sigh. "It was a bad idea coming here." I turn around again and start walking away. "No, Aurora!" He starts running after me.

Until I bump into someone running down the hallway. "I'm so sorry..." That voice.... It can't be. He's gone to Europe. I look up and see...


I'm captivated by the size of his body and muscles. "You're so..... Big." I stutter out. Brad pulls me up and chuckles deeply. Oh god, I've forgotten how deep his voice is.

He pulls me up to steady myself and I'm still blown away at how much larger he's gotten. "Almost a year of football will do that to you." He comments. I chuckle softly, finally regaining my wit.

"Welcome back." I say, before putting my arms around him and pulling him in to a close hug. "Yeah, welcome back, Brad." I feel a hand grab my waist and pull me away from Brad. I know who it is and I start to push away. "Hey, Mr. Strong. I have to say, that dinner we had was the best farewell gift ever." Mr. Strong only smiles his dazzlingly white smile and tightens his grip on me.

"Get off me." I hiss through grinding teeth. "Not a chance. You're mine. I've thought about it enough."

I scoff. "Are you sure about that? Maybe you should 'think' again." I spit out at him as I continue to struggle out of his grip. "Is everything alright?" I hear Brad's voice and my head automatically goes to him. "Yes, of course. You-- uh.... You want to go get a drink?" I smile softly.

"Sure." All three of us move to the ballroom once again and I'm bumbarted by two very anxious sisters. "Aurora what happened. Lilac and I were so worried." They both start looking me over, taking me out of Mr. Strong's grip, to make sure I was in good health. "I'm fine I was just catching up with an old friend." Both Brad and Mr. Strong look just as confused as I would have expected them to be. "There's three of her." Brad looks the three sisters standing in front of him up and down.

"But, how?" Brad asks. Mr. Strong just stands silently. We all start giggling before I put their minds at ease. "Brad, Mr. Strong, I'd like you to meet my two younger sisters, Coral and Lilac." Both wave graciously as we await their reaction.

"Yet another secret, Miss. LaRue." I look to Mr. Strong and look down to the red carpet underneath us. "Not a secret, Mr. Strong, a discovery. My sisters and I were separated when we were very young in a desperate attempt to save them from my father. I've just recently found them." I see Coral translating for Lilac. When I look to Brad, his eyes are held captive by something. I turn around and see Lilac giving him the same dazed look.

My mouth is gaping open. I sign to Lilac.

No way. He's way too old for your. He's as old as I am. You're only seventeen.

Lilac gives me a pouting look. But she's hot. Besides, I'm going to be eighteen in a month.

I shake me head, no.


I groan and roll my eyes, finally giving in to her please. Taking Lilac's hand, I introduce the dazzled couple. "Brad, this is Lilac." I sign Brad's name back to Lilac. Lilac responds back. "She says it's a wonderful pleasure to meet you."

Brad smiles and puts his hand out. "It's nice to meet you too." Lilac timidly takes Brad's hand. I'm almost scared at how small it is compared to Brad's. "Brad..." I start to sign as I speak so Lilac can understand. "... Lilac's deaf. She can't hear. So we use sign language with her." Lilac smiles broadly at Brad. I'm so sure that little fact will keep him away from my baby sister. "That's really cool. Could you teach me?" Brads response leaves me dumbfounded. What?

Coral has to take over in interpreting Brad and Lilac's conversation, leaving me alone with Mr. Strong. I walk over to the beverage table that stretches on for what looks like miles. "An Aurora Borealis. Clever."

I sigh and put my cup of punch down. "Thanks. I-- I can't believe you actually guessed." I feel a soft hand on my arm. "Sometimes it takes some work to find the answers to something worth a lifetime." I look up at his blue eyes for the first time in weeks. "I-I'm sorry I hadn't been to work. I've been... busy." I turn around and walk over to the bottles of wine that sit in perfect rows on the red table cloth. "You don't drink." I gasp at a soft hand on my waist. But I can't help but enjoy his soft touch against me.

"I-I guess I' to try it." I see Mr. Strong grab one of the white wines in the back. "This is perfect for a first impression." I chuckle softly as he pops the cork out and pours some in a glass.

"Try it." I take the glass carefully from his hand, electricity sparking where we brush against each other. I bite my lip as I put the glass to my lips.

A sweet taste explodes in my mouth as I keep my eyes down to the glass in my hands. "You're right. It's a very good first impression." I feel his warmth against my body, keeping me aware of his close proximity. "It's uh.... very--very s-s-sweet." I manage to stutter out. I look up to Mr. Strong and I'm so close to his lips. I feel a burning urge to move forward just the smallest bit so we can come lip to lip.


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