Chapter 4: Soulmate

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3rd Person's POV:

As the crimson sun dived closer and closer to the sea causing the blue sky to slowly turn to orange, two little boys sat at the swing in a playground lost in each other's eyes. It was as if they were in a scene of a movie, where only the two remained in the world. Only a single word was spoken but friendship had already blossomed between them. The older boy had noticed while walking past the playground, the gloomy expression that was visibly seen in the younger's face. And for some reason, his heart ached and wanted the little boy to do nothing but smile. And so he approached him, a set goal already set in his mind.

"Hello" replied the younger boy timidly as he avoided the boy's gaze. Though he was doubting if the older boy beside him was his soulmate due to the mixed feelings that dwelled within him, it would be awkward to ask 'Hey can you use your quirk on me to see if you're one of my soulmates?'. Not to mention, it was his 8th birthday. It would be a tremendous coincidence that he would meet one of his soulmates today, which is very unlikely to happen.

'Besides, Haruki always said that my soulmates would be unlucky to have someone like me as their soulmate. A quirkless nobody.' The boy thought as he stared at his feet as if it was the most stupendous thing on earth.

"My name is Kai. Kai Chisaki. What's yours?" Asked the older male gazing at the sky clearly noticing the discomfort of the little boy besides him.

"Izuku. Izuku Yagi-Midoriya" 

"Hey do you have a quirk?"

The question asked by Chisaki caught Izuku to be surprised. He remained silent until finally having courage to answer.


There. He already answered. Now, Izuku was waiting for the older boy to mortify him and yell at him for how unsightly and disgusting his whole being is. But instead, his reaction was the opposite of what Izuku had thought.

"Wow.. that's cool."

"Cool? How can being quirkless be cool?" Izuku had stopped looking at his feet at stared at the gloden eyes of Chisaki. And Chisaki had noticed Izuku's gaze and he too, stared at the jade color eyes of one Izuku Yagi-Midoriya.

'What beautiful eyes' The two pondered.

"Well, it's my opinion but i'm probably being biased since i'm a germaphobe. But for me, a quirk is disgusting. They evolve from what used to be a disease found in rats. Ew. Despicable. Vulgar. That's why I want to rid the world of the disgusting filth called quirks. You shouldn't be discouraged but instead be proud." the older boy smiled. This was one of the few times he had not wore his mask and genuinely smiled at someone.

"Thank you. And you know.. you shouldn't rid of everyone's quirk. For me, a quirk is a gift, a blessing. Maybe you should rid the quirks of those who are undeserving. Better yet, why not steal them and give them to those who deserved them." 

Chisaki raised his eyebrow at Izuku's suggestion. Is it possible to steal one's quirk?

"Steal quirks? Is that possible?"

"Difficult but not impossible."

The two continued to talk about anything and everything 'till the sun had fully set and the moon had long risen, blazing at the night sky along with millions of glittering stars. The once warm had turn to a wave of cold, icy air. The wind rushed through the two boy's body causing them to shiver at the sudden increase of coldness. They had decided that it was best to part ways before the night grew any darker. They had exchange addresses seeing as both of them isn't a fan of cellphones. As they had exchanged papers, both of them stared at each other before bursting into laughter. Who would have thought that the both of them were actually neighbors.

Chisaki and Izuku walked at the dimly lighted pathway, the crickets buzzing can be heard along with the faint sound of their footsteps. No words were spoken as they were comfortable with the silent and harmonious atmosphere.

About quarter of an hour which seemed as if it was an entire hour, had passed as they reached the enormous gates of Izuku's mansion, 'Gates of hell' as what Izuku would call it.

"This is my stop. See you tomorrow Kai."

"See you tomorrow Izuku."

Not even a full day of knowing each other but they had already dropped the formalities and decided to call each other by their first names. Izuku was about to turn away and open the gate when Kai quickly took a hold of Izuku's hand and use his quirk on him. Earlier, while they were walking, Kai had been contemplating whether  to use his quirk on Izuku. He had been feeling a sense of familiarity in Izuku, and seeing as it was his first time meeting him it would be likely that Izuku was one of his soulmates.

Kai had made sure that the pain would only last a second but still, he was sure it had hurt like hell. But Kai was a curious boy, as the saying goes 'curiosity killed the cat'. Izuku winced in pain and had a grimace expression but was quickly replaced with a shocked expression when one of his soulmate's line on his wrist started to move and form the words 'Kai Chisaki'. He quickly looked at Kai, only to be met with the same expression plastered in his face but was quickly replaced with another heartwarming smile. Izuku felt his heart beat. And no it wasn't the romantic type. Hell he was only 8 years old. His heart started to beat faster as he had realized that one of his soulmates is a real friend. One that didn't judge him nor bully him for being quirkless, rather, he even encouraged Izuku to be proud for being quirkless.

"Huh.. to think I would meet my soulmates on my 8th birthday." Izuku stated and let out a sigh of relief along with a few tears that had escaped his eyes.

Kai was startled when he had learn it was Izuku's birthday but nevertheless he was happy. Izuku is his first friend, and he was beyond happy to know that he is one of Kai's soulmate.

"Happy Birthday Izuku."

The two smiled at each other but not long after Izuku's wrist, specifically the name 'Kai Chisaki' started to glow.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating after a long period of time but I felt like my work was trash. Oops. And even decided to stop writing it but after dreaming about overhaul aka Kai Chisaki, I found inspiration and started writing the chapter 4 of my story and changed my way of writing to make it more admirable maybe? And ps Kai is a year older than Izuku in this story.

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