Chapter 9: Attending UA

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3rd Person's POV:

Kai's room in the Yakuza building is smaller compared to the one at his, Eri's and his adoptive dad, Shie Hassaikai's home. But Eraserhead was beyond astonished at the room. To him, it had no difference compared to a luxurious penthouse. The living room was spacious and consist of leathered sofas, tables and a fur floormat. Beside it, resides the kitchen made of marble. In the right part of the room, there were dinning chairs  and a table with atom like bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Two doors stood at the end of hall, probably leading to the bedroom and the bathroom. The balcony had an infinity pool with a circular sofa and a table, in the middle. Overlooking the pool were a number of chairs and table for dining out.

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Izuku was yawning as he stood in the kitchen. He had opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water whilst rubbing one of his eyes. His hair was all tangled up, indicating he had just woken up. Not to mention, he was still in his silky blue pajamas and wore furry indoor slippers.

"I'm home." Kai spoke up, wanting his soulmate to be aware of his presence.

"Welcome home." Izuku replied. Kai had talked to him last night that they were going to arrest Haruki early in the morning along with the police and pro heroes. Izuku turned his back, now facing his soulmate, his friend, and one pro hero. "Oh.. uhm.. what's up?" Izuku stammered as he saw that Kai and Kuruno had come back with a visitor.

"We need to talk young man." was all Eraserhead said as he made his way to the living room, making his self feel at home as he comfortably sat at the leathered sofa. Izuku, Kai and Kurono had followed Eraserhead to the living room and waited for the pro hero to speak.

"I'll keep it short and direct. Nezu wants Izuku Yagi-Midoriya to attend UA school. He believes that it is what's best for the mentality of the young hero. 'You mustn't forget that you are still a 16 year old. So, you should live as a 16 year old.' is what he asked me to say to you."

Kai and Kurono were in favor of the idea, seeing as Izuku needed a change in environment. Izuku however didn't understand why. He is already living as a 16 year old, why should he have to attend UA? Eraserhead, clearly seeing the confusion plastered in Izuku's face, explained more about the situation.

"If I am not mistaken, you were abused for 12 years. Something like that isn't something that can be taken lightly. In UA, you can act as teenager and a hero at the same time. Meet new friends, and even have fun from time to time. Not to mention, UA is the number 1 hero school in Japan. You will likely become a better hero than you are now if you ever decide to study in UA. We had already contacted your father and he had already approved of the idea as he had blamed his self for the negligence of being a parent, causing the abuse to last longer."

Izuku teared up as he heard that his father had blamed himself. He never blamed his father for the abuse as his father wasn't the one who had abused him. His father had always done what was best for him, and to Izuku that was enough. He had thought about it for a minute. Imagining himself as he enters the gates of UA wearing a school uniform, talking with friends, eating lunch at the cafeteria, having classes. Suddenly a thought rushed in his head. Attending UA means being classmates with his best friend Momo, as she had once mentioned to him that she was recommended to attend UA. Another thing he remembered was, back when his mother was still alive, he had a best friend name Katsuki Bakugo and since a young age, both of them wanted to attend UA. Izuku didn't know wether to be excited or nervous about the chance of meeting an old friend. Katsuki didn't know that Izuku was quirkless as Izuku had already moved out the day after his mother's death.

"Okay but in one condition." Izuku replied.

Eraserhead raised his eyebrow signaling Izuku to continue speaking.

"I want to enter UA through the entrance exam that will happen in a week's time."

All three of them looked at Izuku confusedly as they could not think of a reason for the younger hero to take the exam, seeing as he is already strong enough to pass it with flying colors.

"I want to know the basis of how UA accepts students and.. it's fun." Izuku stated after he saw the confused faces of the three people in front of him. 

"Very well. I'll be going now if you no longer have any question." Eraserhead spoke out as he stood from the sofa.

"I'll escort you out." Kurono expressed and accompanied the pro hero.

Izuku and Kai were the only ones left in the enormous room of one Kai Chisaki. Kai began to remove his gloves and mask as he was more than comfortable to be with Izuku without them, as not once did he ever thought of Izuku as filthy. He had contemplated whether to ask the younger soulmate out on a date like he had originally planned yesterday, but decided against it seeing as it wasn't the right time.

"Hey Kai.." Izuku spoke in a low voice.


"I love you." Izuku spoke in a clear voice.

"Not as a best friend but more than that." he continued.

Izuku was also contemplating whether to tell the older soulmate about the feelings that dwelled within him since long ago. He just kept it hidden as he still wasn't open about everything in his life to Kai. Now that his long kept secret was out, he decided to just straightly tell Kai about his feelings. Though he looked fine outside, deep down he was panicking and freaking out. But he was ready, read for the chance of rejection but also ready for the chance that the older soulmate will reciprocate his feelings. 

Kai on the other hand, was surprised by the sudden confession. He waited for the day to confess his feeling to Izuku but instead it was the younger soulmate who had confessed. He hugged Izuku tightly not wanting to let him go. He wish that everything is real, that Izuku's confession isn't a dream but a reality. And if it is a dream, then he wish that he will never wake up.

"This is real right? You're real?" Kai asked as with a shaking voice. Digging his face deeper into the shoulder of Izuku.


"I.. I love you too Izu. So much."

Izuku hugged the older soulmate back and began to shed a few tears, happy that his feelings were reciprocated.

"Then will you be my boyfriend?" Izuku asked gleefully.

"I'd be more than happy to." Kai replied affectionately.

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