Chapter 8: A Successful Arrest

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Momo was wide awake and beyond scared when a gun was being pointed at her head. She felt as if oxygen was sucked out of her as she couldn't breathe nor move. She wanted to use her quirk but couldn't use it nonchalantly for it could result to her death. When her best friend, Kai, along with the heroes and polices arrived at the scene, she finally let out her breath.

"Stay back or I'll shoot." Haruki declared showing no signs of hesitation in killing the teenage girl.

Best Jeanist was quick to retaliate and swiftly took the gun from Haruki and tied him up to prevent any dangerous movements he could make. Eraserhead had approached the shaking girl and calmed her down. The police were about to take Haruki away when Kurono had punched him numerous times in the face and in the gut, for what he had done to his friend. Kai had removed one of his gloves and destroyed the threads that wrapped Haruki. Kai then touched Haruki's shoulders, causing half his body to explode and then reassemble again in a couple of seconds.

Haruki stumbled in the ground shuddering as he tightly held his chest to see if he is alive. He felt immense pain as half of him exploded and believed that he was dead when he felt extreme cold and could only see darkness. What happened in seconds felt like eternity to him.

Kai wasn't satisfied. The man kneeling in front of him had probably done something far worse to Izuku than what Kai just did. He began to remove his other glove and exploded both Haruki's hands.

Screams of terror erupted and engulfed each corner of the mansion. But Kai still wasn't satisfied. He was about to explode both Haruki's feet as well but as his hands touched Haruki, his quirk wasn't working anymore. He looked at Eraserhead whose eyes turned bright red and his hair floating in the air.

"Overhaul, enough. Return his arms."

"Tsk. You expect me to just let the police arrest him with no scratch, after what he did to Izuku?" Kai asked, his voice filled with nothing but coldness.

"Now, now Eraserhead. As much as I hate violence, you can't really argue with the fact that this man here, deserves to suffer. I mean, no permanent damage will be done to him right?" Best Jeanist stated. It took all of his self control to prevent himself from beating the bastard to death. He was glad that Kurono and Kai, unlike him, couldn't control their anger and had done something dreadful to the bastard.

"Fine. But make sure to return his arms." Eraserhead eyed Kai and stopped using his quirk on him.

Haruki could only continue screaming in pain as everyone only watched him and did nothing. As the police detained Haruki Midoriya, Kai had reformed his arms when Haruki was led to enter the police car, proving the arrest to be successful.

Though Kai still wanted to make the bastard suffer, he had more important things to deal with, such as one Izuku Yagi-Midoriya. He was sure that by the time he got back, the younger would have probably awoken.

"Overhaul, I need to talk to you about hero Izuku." Eraserhead aka Shota Aizawa, stated as he approached Overhaul.

"Izu? What about him?" Kai raised his eyebrows at the hero in front of him, clearly confused with what he wanted from his soulmate.

"It's best if I talk to him."

Though Kai still pondered what the hero wanted with Izuku, he could only nod his head knowing it's probably about an important topic. After making sure his best friend, Momo was safely escorted back to her home, he respectfuly said his goodbyes to Best Jeanist and the police, wholeheartedly thankful for what they did. He along with Kurono entered a yet another, luxurios car, this time replacing yesterday's bright red Mercedes with a clean white tesla model x car, and asked the driver to drive them back to the Yakuza building right after telling Eraserhead to follow them.

 He along with Kurono entered a yet another, luxurios car, this time replacing yesterday's bright red Mercedes with a clean white tesla model x car, and asked the driver to drive them back to the Yakuza building right after telling Eraserhead to f...

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As Eraserhead exited his car, he was met with the tall and vast building of the famous Yakuza. One would expect to see a building for vigilantes to be old and shabby, but the Yakuza building is the exact opposite. It is a modern luxurious building that has a bridge like structure connecting 2 distinct building making it whole. The reason for the structure of the building was to let the vigilantes have a place to reside in.

When hero Izuku had proposed the idea of people with villainous quirks to work at the Yakuza, he had spent a great amount of his money from his income, to let the soon to be vigilantes to have a comfortable place to reside in, and hopefully one day call it their home. Not that Izuku was lacking money since his dad had transferred an enormous amount of money to his bank account. This gesture of his had caused many, who had lost hope, to find a new light and a chance to turn their lives into something far better and more comfortable.

The left building was for work purposes and open to all, especially those who wish to report a crime or abuse. While the right building was were the vigilantes would rest after a day's worth of hard work.

 While the right building was were the vigilantes would rest after a day's worth of hard work

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(Pretend there is a bridge like structure in the middle, connecting the two buildings.)

It was still early in the morning but the place was already bustling with vigilantes, ready to work for the day.

Eraserhead followed Kai and Kurono to the right building and was met with an extravagant interior design that caused him to carefully study each inch of the luxurious place. As they entered the elevator, a relative silence was met as no words were spoken and the sound of footsteps were no longer heard.

With a ding, the elevator door opened, welcoming the highest floor of the Yakuza building. A place for the prominent and esteemed members of the Yakuza to reside in. Seen through the glass windows, a perfect scenery fitting for the top floor of a sky-scraping building. The murky white clouds and the silky blue sky coinciding with one another, the colorful buildings and houses that looked relatively small, the cars and people that looked liked ants and the unmoving deep blue sea at the horizon.

As they neared the end of the hallway, Kai took out a golden card and swiped it at the electronic door lock. When the light turned bright green, he twisted the door knob and was met with a yawning, half-awake Izuku who had just gotten out of bed.

A/N: I'm so proud of myself for continuously updating heheh. I easily get exhausted so I rarely would have the energy to write stories continously. Hopefully i can still continue to update daily. Anywayssss, thank you for reading my work and I hope this story had brought you joy. 😊

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