Chapter 7: Demons

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Izuku's P.O.V:

I could only lower my head as I couldn't find the courage to tell Kai about my demons and how i've suffered since I was 4 years old. Kai knew everything about me with the exception of the abuse going in the mansion. I refuse to call that place my home. If anything, home is Kai... he makes me feel warm and loved. Maybe because I love him, I couldn't tell him about the demons that roamed in my dreams at night, the suicidal thoughts that lingers in my mind from time to time and the blackhole that started to consume me from the inside. I was afraid to disappoint him.

I admit that there are times I wanted to die because it's the only think I can think of to stop the pain. But every time I see Kai, I am reminded yet again of how loved I am. I didn't want to cause him suffering with my death. But still.. the beatings don't stop, and I couldn't retaliate when part of me believes Haruki's words and that I deserve it. There are many others who suffers a greater pain than mine, yet I can't even rid of my demons. Sometimes I wonder if I deserve the luxury called happiness. 

"I'll listen, so feel free to share your burdens with me."

"I.. I'm despicable. I deserve to be beaten. I have such weak mentality. I, myself am weak. I could have fought back....but I didn't. I'm lost Kai... I don't know what to do anymore."

I sob as I finally let some burden escape from me.

"I'm weak for wanting to die aren't I? Being beaten up for 12 years is nothing compared to those who live in the streets, constantly being neglected and abused by the society. I'm luckier than most, I have you, I eat 3 meals a day and live in a luxurious mansion. Yet... I wanted to die and for an insignificant reason at that. I'm a disgrace. If I die, then who will save those who suffered far worse than me? Why am I like this? What's wrong with me?" I continued and shed more tears.

Kai's P.O.V:

I hugged Izu as his sobs grew louder. My heart ached watching him be so broken. To him and to some others, it may seem as if his reason for wanting to die is insignificant, but to me it isn't. There's no such thing as a right excuse to die. If you wanted to die, then you want to die. Why do others criticize those who wants to die, rather than helping them. Everyone grew in different kinds of environment, what may seem insignificant to others may actually mean the world to some. Izuku was being beaten for 12 years of his life, even if he is the number 16 hero now, he is still 16 years old and was a 4 year old kid when the abuse started. Yet he already carries the burden of not dying, in order to save the lives of many others even if it means he has to suffer.

There aren't any words that I could say to erase the burden he has been carrying. I could only kiss his forehead and whispered "I'm here.. I'll always be here."

As we arrived at the Yakuza building, Izu had long fell into deep slumber. I carried him in my back, now wearing my mask and gloves as I handed him to Kurono and ordered him to place Izu in my room and let him sleep.

When he returned a couple of minutes later, he asked: "What happened?" concern clearly can be heard from his voice. Kurono Hari aka Chronostasis, is a cold-hearted vigilante and shows no mercy to criminals he had arrested. But he couldn't help warming up as Izuku befriended him with his bright personality.

"A bastard happened. That's what."

He only raised his brows at me, not fully believing that someone would be either stupid or powerful enough to cause the hero to cry his eyes out.

"Call heroes who can help with the arrest of Haruki Midoriya for the abuse of Izuku Yagi-Midoriya."

When Kurono had heard the words Haruki Midoriya and abuse, he quickly put the two together. Knowing him, he probably decided that he too, will go along with the heroes and police with the arrest and make sure that the bastard will never think of harming his adorable friend ever again.

"I'll join when the time comes to arrest them." Kurono stated, clearly declaring that his decision is final and left no room for argument. Not that I would anyway.

"Of course." Kai replied while grinning viciously.

'There'll be hell to pay Haruki.'

3rd Person's P.O.V:

After contacting the police, the heroes that will be involved in the upcoming arrest were decided. Eraserhead. He had caught wind of the abuse and felt sympathetic to the young hero and wanted to arrest the bastard that had the audacity to abuse him. Best Jeanist. He once teamed up with Izuku against a large criminal group and then personally got to know Izuku. And thus, he wanted to arrest the bastard who tormented his friend. Both him and Izuku had similar objectives. They believe that even after you've tried your best and it still isn't enough, you shouldn't give up and make excuses when in comes to saving lives.

The next day, in the early hours of the morning, a number of police officers and two vigilantes and heroes strode at the pavement outside the ginormous mansion of the Midoriya's. The sun had just risen from the horizon causing the smooth and silky sea to change into a mix color of red, orange and blue. The same smooth and silky sea, created an euphonious sound as the waves continuously crashed in the shore with a splash. The sky was as peaceful and clear as it can be, showing no signs of an upcoming rain. No one would have expected the arrest of one Haruki Midoriya in such a fine and pleasant morning.

The gates of the Midoriya's mansion began to open after Kai had entered the code. The police, the vigilantes as well as the heroes expected Haruki Midoriya to be either sleeping or having breakfast. Imagine to their surprise when they saw Haruki aiming a gun to the head of Yaoyorozu Momo, glaring at the heroes.

Yaoyorozu Momo became Izuku's friend when her dad had intoduced her to him, this happened not long after Izuku met Kai. The three became best of friends and would regularly hang out. Momo wanted to watch a new movie with Izuku, but when she arrived at the Midorya's mansion, Izuku was nowhere to be found. She had expected Izuku to be out on patrol and decided to wait at his room as usual after asking permission to Haruki to reside in Izuku's room. It was near midnight when Izuku still hadn't appeared and Momo was already dozing off and the quickly fell asleep.

Haruki saw in the cctv that polices and heroes had evaded the mansion. Panic grew within him as he already escelated that Kai had told the police about what he had seen yesterday. He didn't want to go to jail for beating a brat that obviously deserved it. He remembered one of Izuku's best friend had stayed for the night and thought that if he were to use her as a hostage, he could safely escape.

Haruku suddenly slamed the door open and drag Momo to the common room, aiming a gun to her head as he glared at the heroes.

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