Chapter 5: Hero

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3rd Person's POV:

Izuku screamed in pain as he felt extreme pain in his bones located at his arms. As if his bones started to expand and would detonate in any minute. Kai could only stare in horror at his 8 year old soulmate screaming in pain.

Izuku couldn't take it anymore. It was a hundred times more painful than the beatings of one Haruki Midoriya. He wanted to let all his pain out, physical, emotional, just everything. And he did. As he thumped the cold concrete floor of the pathway, everything destructed.

Izuku's screaming died down as the pain he felt just a minute ago vanished into thin air, as if it wasn't there in the first place. He wiped the tears that dwelled in his eyes and looked at Kai whose face showed nothing but concern. He was embraced in a warm hug, opposing the cold, icy air he felt a second ago.

"Shhhh it's okay. Everything's okay."

Izuku could only plunge his small face in the shoulders of the older boy and sob the fear that still lingered within him. After Izuku had calm down, he looked at his surrounding and was horrified to see not only the pathway but as well as the road was demolished. He then looked at his hands and noticed that his wrist stopped glowing. Could it be his quirk?

"I think you're quirk allows you to have the same quirk as that of your soulmates. That would explain the glowing soulmate name in your wrist as well as the 'quirk' that obliterated the road which is identical to mine."

"Do you hate me?"

"No worries. Since you have the same quirk as me, I can undo all the damages you've caused." Kai released Izuku and touched the concrete floor, reversing all the damages that was done earlier. As much as he hated touching such filthy things, he had no choice. He didn't want the younger boy to be saddened.

"See? Good as new."

"That's not what I mean... Earlier you said that quirks are filthy and vulgar. Then, now that I have a quirk.." Izuku always hated being quirkless, he felt like if he just had a quirk then his life would have been better. But now.. how Izuku wished to remain quirkless. His soulmate and only friend hated quirks, and now that Izuku has a quirk, he would surely leave. Izuku doesn't want that. He doesn't want to be left alone and drown in emptiness.

"Well.. I guess this just makes you the only one with a quirk that isn't filthy nor vulgar at all."

"Really?" Izuku asked with hope glistening in his eyes.


"Then we can remain friends?"



"Best friends." Kai cringed at his own words but still couldn't help but smile. This was the few times he actually acted like his age, a 9 year old.

"Then starting from now, Kai will be my number 1 best friend and hero."

"Hmm, I think you'll likely be the hero between the two of us."

Izuku had forgotten all about his dreams of becoming a hero, as well as his promise to his mother. But tonight, he remembered everything. All thanks to his hero that saved him from himself when he was drowning in the dark with no one to hold onto. This time, he'll surely continue to become better and be the best hero.

-Time Skip 8 years later-

It has been 8 years since the two soulmates had met. So much had changed, such as the revision of Yakuza. Instead of being known for it being a crime organization, it had turn into a legal organization of vigilantes. With proper negotiation with the government, the Yakuza can legally arrest criminals without causing severe damages as long as no heroes were present. Though their income is lower than heroes, it didn't really matter seeing they don't lack money, rather they had an excessive amount of money. The Yakuza is being ruled by Kai Chisaki also known as Overhaul, a fearsome vigilante that causes some criminals to shiver. Not mention, the Yakuza is in partnership with the top 16 hero who debuted only a year ago, hero Izuku.

After Izuku gained his quirk, his father made sure that Haruki will train him to be a fine hero one day. To say that Izuku was hell is an understatement. Haruki only grew to be more abusive than before. Maybe this is because Izuku's quirk was more powerful than his, he began to feel inferior to the boy and thus began to torment him in any chance he gets, to prove not only to the boy but also to himself that he is superior to Izuku.

After 8 years and a couple of months of training, his father had asked him to go to America to apply for a hero license. This was because if Izuku will obtain a hero license from America, then he will be able to use his quirks and be considered as a pro-hero when he returns to Japan. Though if Izuku was just a normal citizen, then he wouldn't be able to take the exam as they only accepted 16 year old's and above. But Izuku isn't a normal citizen, his father is the freaking number 1 hero in America, so of course he had the privilege to obtain a hero license. And so, Izuku went to America along with Kai. They both had learned that if the two had a great distance between them, both physically and emotionally then, Izuku's quirk will be very feeble or be deemed powerless.

When Izuku turned 15 years old, he and Kai had returned to Japan. Izuku started his hero career and gained many admirers due to his exuberant personality. He treated everyone equitably, and even publicly announced that he supports quirkless people. Maybe because he himself had experienced being quirkless, he understood better how hard it is to ask for help. Thus, he openly welcomed everyone, quirkless or not to contact the Yakuza if they are ever in need of help, whether emotionally or physically. The reason hero Izuku quickly gained the rank of top 16 hero in Japan in a year's time, isn't just because he saves lives, he also saves the life of those who had given up and wanted to end their lives or turn to the dark side. He had also publicly announced that those who had villainous quirks who hoped to be heroes, but were neglected by society are welcome to become vigilantes in the Yakuza. This was one of the few reasons the Yakuza became popular. The other reason was because, hero Izuku repeatedly partnered with the head of Yakuza, vigilante Overhaul when taking down criminals. Word spread about and the two, and they began to be widely know as a stupendous and powerful duo.

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